Read John 15- 16:4; Sing Yet Not I and Christ Will be my Hideaway
Today's Focus is on 15:18-16:4
If the world hates you, know that it hated me first. We don't like verses like this. They don't make us feel good. In fact, they make us glance over them. We don't want to be hated. Especially in our modern day and age. We are so obsessed with self-love, self-care and our emotions the thought of hatred because of a belief or conviction makes some of us nauseous.
I read an article that was talking about how social influencers are the new televangelists. To be honest...I had to google the definition of a social influencer. Basically, my definition would be the popular kids on the world wide web that whatever they say or like becomes trendy or mob mentality? I don't have Instagram, I am still not quite sure what TikTok is, you won't find me on Twitter either. Yet, I understand it is these social media giants controlling the narrative, even in the believers lives. And the truth, won't get the amount of likes and views needed to turn a biblical narrative into a money making trend. It never has. And it never will. Actually, I was watching a YouTube video of a sermon given by the pastor I linked to yesterday. I said to my husband, how does this man and his teaching only have 23 views, yet a kitten can get a million. Makes you pause for a second. We have access to rich theology, fantastic worship with lyrics, yet we settle for influencers over preachers and entertainment over worship. When our faith tries to be accepted and cool and liked... we probably lost the message. If you pastor cares more about his likability, looks and hits online... you need to find a new church.
Jesus says, if the world hates you it hated me first. He was killed because of the truth He represented. In fact the religious HATED him for speaking truth. He was turning their world upside down taking power out of their hands and putting it back in the Fathers. No longer could religious lord over those who were not of high places, Christ came and died once and for all. Making every man, whether slave or free, Jew or barbarian equal.
The Word of God is truth. The Word is Christ. It is through Him that we are able to find our hope and refuge but it is through the teaching and preaching of His word we might find ourselves hated. And that is okay! We should delight in the fact that Jesus said it was going to happen, and then it happens! It shows the accuracy of the word! He says in 16 he was sharing these things so that when tribulation occurred they could take heart in the truth of the Son's word!
For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son... and the world received him not...and killed him.
YET, that isn't the end. Christ would raise victorious from the grave. The keys of hell and death in His hands. Jesus died that we might live! And we too can live in Him.
16:2 Indeed the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God. This verse, I cannot lie sends chills down my spine. It happened, for every apostle other than John standing in that room. And John was not left out from suffering he was exiled. We are trending, if I can use that term, that direction today. As the church is violently splitting over things that don't matter, our hatred in house is getting loud. Even, yes I am going there, masking during Covid. And the gathering of the body. There is such a split that as fellow believers use what they feel is the best knowledge and appeal to their consciousness and scripture we are persecuting them. IN CHURCH. Openly on Social Media. A mass appeal to one science, one thought, for the good of mankind is usurping liberty and individuals rights to look at the facts and make the best decision for their own church. Mask, or don't mask. BUT STOP HURTING EACH OTHER. We don't need to be on this side of the verse thinking we are offering service to God for slamming one another. Sister this world is a mess, and hatred of Christianity is coming. We might have been able to enjoy many a year of being accepted or even liked for our Judea Christian beliefs here in America but that time is quickly wrapping up. As we fall apart in house over masking, not to even mention pro life, pro marriage conversations, we find ourselves unable to even be a light to the world. No longer a city on the hill. We are losing our saltiness. Matthew 5:13 the salt that looses its saltiness is to be trampled underfoot. Yikes.
Who is your top influencer? Is it Christ and His Word? Is he able to call you friend? Or have you made the world your top priority? Are you known or even hated more for your political affiliations, or choices? Sister, do not let these verses scare you but encourage you! Jesus said His peace He leaves with us, His peace, His banner, His righteousness!!!! Do not trade it in for momentary happiness, find joy in Christ. And as we walk towards the cross, consider the cost; because to lose our lives is to live in Him!
Matthew Henry's prayers for today were spot on and so soul moving I want to close with them:
"Let the love of Christ to us control us to live, not to ourselves, but to him who for our sake died and was raised. 2 Corinthians 5:14-15"
"And Lord, grant that we may not love the world or the things in the world, because if anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him; 1 John 2:15 that we may set our minds on things above and not on things that are on earth. Colossians 3:2"
Sermons today: Christ, The Vine by Paul Washer
Life in the Vine- Josh Scherrer (one of our pastors!)