Thursday, February 25, 2021

John 14:8-14

 Read: John 14; Sing: Most Merciful God

We come to another question/statement of a disciple. This time it is Philip. "Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us." Jesus responds, " Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip?"

Oh how this can resonate with all of us. Fill in your name. How many times do we get into pinches or feel pressure and we cry out- show me Lord- just show me! While all the while holding our Bibles, being taught in the Word.... and Jesus gentle reply...have you been with me so long...Jenny...and still you do not know me? 

Today there is so much to unravel but I feel this question needs to be sat on. Some of us grew up in Christian homes, some of us are new to the faith, some of us have yet to make Christ their King... regardless this is the question we must ask ourselves and answer to the Lord... Do I still not know Him?  Sometimes we can hear things over and over, and read with the desire to grow in knowledge yet never take it into our heart. We get to be on the other side of the Resurrection, we have a vantage point Philip did not; yet we still can find ourselves asking for ourselves the same thing. Just show me! Prove to me.  Jesus responds. Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. As we referenced yesterday Hebrews 1:3; and I immediately think of Colossians 1:15 The Son is the image of the invisible God. The EXACT imprint of His nature. Though we have not seen in the flesh we receive Him in the Spirit and gain everything through His Word. 

What is enough for you? At some point as a believer in Christ, we must literally believe in Him, put our faith in Him. Have you done that? Are you still asking God to show you?  

As we read through John 14, and we listen to Jesus, we must ask, is Jesus enough...because the answer to this question, is Yes, Jesus is enough. 

May you find your faith in Christ today.

Attached is a sermon from Voddie Baucham. (pray for him as he has heart surgery today)

The Believer's Hope

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