Thursday, March 11, 2021

John 16

 Read John 16; Sing Yet Not I and Christ Will be my Hideaway

John 16 is quite the challenging chapter to read through for me. I had as many questions as I had answers and found myself sitting at Jesus feet, saying what does this mean?! For which I am incredibly grateful for modern technology and pastors that record their sermons online. To have us all on the same page I am trying something a bit different and encourage you to join along! In fact I would love to try for a zoom meeting for those would like to participate in this next week.

Here is the link(be sure to click on Jesus the Victor) to the sermon on John 16 that we will be running through the course of next week. In order for us to all be there the rest of the week will give you time to read through John 16 several times and listen to this sermon. Monday we will jump right in.

Outline for notes:

John 16 Jesus the Victor

We are to expect two things suffering and joy.

3 realities of John 16

1) Christ centered truth

2) Resurrection Joy

3) Triumphant Joy

Please listen along! Take notes! Monday we will jump in on #1 Tomorrow in addition I will add 2 more sermons for deeper study before we dive in next week!

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