Monday, March 1, 2021

John 14: 21-24

 Read John 14 and 15! Sing: Revelation Hymn ( Lyrics here)

There is so much to write that it feels overwhelming. In fact rather than go on and on I will keep it short so we can meditate on the Words of Christ today.

Today's focus is John 14:21-24. Our last question by the disciple Judas ( Not Iscariot).  Jesus has just finished saying that whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is that loves me. A pretty blanket statement. If we have His commandments and keep them, we demonstrate our love of Jesus. On two counts... we have His commandments... it multiple translations and multiple platforms. Bibles, phones, tablets. Dozens of languages and variations...i.e. NIV, ESV,NASB, KJV. The list goes on and on. We have the easiest access to scripture of any generation. Yet, most of us find the second portion hard to swallow... and keeps them. This does not mean keep in a legalistic form. We do not earn our salvation through the keeping of His commandments, because we cannot keep them perfectly. Only Christ can. We keep them, because we love HIM. 

Judas interjects with his question here. How is it that you will manifest yourself to us, and not to the world?  Jesus corrects his understanding. If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. 

God comes to us. He dwells in us, through the Word, and the power of the Holy Spirit. This is an incredible thing being told. And we need to step back and realize the magnitude here. At this time, the presence of the Lord was something thought to be contained. The Holy of Holies still exists, the Ark of the Covenant is still in use. God's presence was something that you couldn't just walk into. And now, Jesus is teaching that God is about to dwell in every believer through the Holy Spirit... or the Helper as we will read. The curtain would be torn and Christ would make His dwelling place among us. In us. Woah.

And then the statement that caught me, "whoever does not love me, does not keep my word." Simple, direct to the point. Yet, so much contained. What is your relationship with the Word? Does it demonstrate a love of Jesus? Do you actions, thoughts, goals, conversations demonstrate a love of Christ Jesus through the keeping of His word? Breaking it down the the two Jesus discusses, to the love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself. How can we ensure this today?

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