Tuesday, March 16, 2021

John 16:5-11

 Read: John 16, Sing: Jesus, Thank You; Listen: Christ, the Victor

We will be picking up in verse 5-11 as we study along together chapter 16 in the book of John. Included at the bottom of the study another sermon on John 16 on these verses by a local New Hampshire pastor.

Let's consider as we read that the purpose statement given by Jesus was " to keep you from stumbling in your faith." In verses 1-4 we studied yesterday, affliction and persecution would come, and will come yet. BUT we do not need to be 'scandalized,' or have a needless crisis of our faith.

Immediately I think of Ephesians 4:14, so that we may no longer be children tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every false doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness or deceitful schemes. Persecution for our faith in Christ, even if it comes from the religious does not need to throw us into a needless tailspin, if we are rooted and grounded in the Word. Jesus is offering safety and Himself as our Rock and our Fortress.

Point #1 Christ Centered Truth (all notes are now from the sermon itself, and I will conclude with further study comments at the end)

His number #1 priority is not safety and comfort-but fellowship with him. Our ultimate Comfort is in fellowship with Christ. At the center of suffering is Jesus himself!

-The Spirit convicts to convince  us of our need of a savior. 

-Convict of righteousness- do we virtual signal our faith or depend on the Lord?

-Ascension to the Father vindicates Christ as the Perfect righteous One.

-Isaiah 64:6 Our righteousness is like filthy rags

-John Bunyan- Grace Abounds to the Chief of Sinners. " Your righteousness is in heaven." Not my good frame that made it better nor my bad frame that made it worse, my righteousness was in Christ.

-The Spirit comes to convict because the ruler of this world is judged. -Satan is judged.

-John Newton " Twas grace that taught my heart to fear and grace my fears relieved."

-Ultimate truth by God's Grace in Christ. We have nothing to fear!

Pastor Joel wraps up this portion with a question, " Do we think this way?" Lets pause the sermon at 25:17 (which is where we will pick up tomorrow) and discuss what we read today.

There is something that really caught my heart and mind this study. We need to be convicted in righteousness. So many of us live a Jesus plus lifestyle. Jesus plus works, Jesus plus self help, Jesus plus prosperity, Jesus plus_____.  We read Jesus teaching His disciples that it is through His righteousness alone that we are found in fellowship with our Father. The verse mentioned was Isaiah 64:4 that all that we bring to our faith is but filthy rags. It is actually an incredibly strong and disgusting term that we loosely render filthy rags. But whatever we chose to do, is but a stench in the nostril of our Lord without Christ. Because is is His righteousness that saves us! We are under the cloak of His righteousness and this brings us circle back right to the glorious truths of the Cross! He was the perfect Sacrifice for our sins because we could never be enough. But JESUS IS ENOUGH. He bore our sins that we might be forgiven. Just as our salvation must come from Christ, our faith in Him comes from Him as well! It is all a free gift, and He sends the helper to minister to us.

If you have indeed never come to a place of saving faith, what is holding you back? Do you rely on your own good works to get you to heaven? There is nothing you can do that will ever earn you a place. However, You have a Father that has loved you so much He sent His one and only Son, that whosoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have everlasting life! Yet, we always stop there. The verse continues, John 3:17 For God did not send His Son to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him. WOAH. We are cloaked in His righteousness not ours. The Spirit convicts us of sin, Satan accuses us with no hope. Where do you stand today? May you find yourself " Saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, according to scripture alone, to the glory of God alone!

The Convicting Ministry of the Holy Spirit

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