Tuesday, March 30, 2021

John 17:12-19

 Read: John 17  Sing: The Power of the Cross & The Lord is my Salvation

Focus is on John 17:12-19

I love the chart that was attached to today's reading. It comes out of the John MacArthur commentary. I enjoy the break down and understanding of High Priestly Prayer. Today we will consider the prayer for the disciples joy, sanctification, and their mission.

Verse 13 "that they may have my joy fulfilled in themselves." Matthew Henry makes these comments:


  • (1.) Christ earnestly desired the fulness of the joy of his disciples, for it is his will that they should rejoice evermore. He was leaving them in tears and troubles, and yet took effectual care to fulfil their joy. When they thought their joy in him was brought to an end, then was it advanced nearer to perfection than ever it had been, and they were fuller of it. We are here taught,
    • [1.] To found our joy in Christ: "It is my joy, joy of my giving, or rather joy that I am the matter of.' Christ is a Christian's joy, his chief joy. Joy in the world is withering with it; joy in Christ is everlasting, like him.
    • [2.] To build up our joy with diligence; for it is the duty as well as privilege of all true believers; no part of the Christian life is pressed upon us more earnestly, Phl. 3:14:4.
    • [3.] To aim at the perfection of this joy, that we may have it fulfilled in us, for this Christ would have.
It is utterly outstanding to think the Son cared about his disciples having the fullness of joy through Him. He lay with the cross before Him, yet Jesus, cared for those who are His. 

Verse 17: Sanctify them in truth, your Word is truth. Oh that this would be our prayer. The term sanctification is to be set apart. Jesus is praying that the disciples would be set apart through His truth, His word. The task that lay ahead of these men, was great, yet Jesus is greater. 

Jonathan Edwards states in his resolutions #28 "Resolved, to study the Scriptures so steadily, constantly and frequently that I may find, and plainly perceive myself to grow in the knowledge of them." This resolve seems a fitting way to find ourselves sanctified in truth. 

And finally John 17:19 Jesus prays for the disciples mission. "even so I have sent them..." The disciples, unknown to them, were about to embark on one of the greatest movements the world has ever known. They walked with Jesus prior to the Cross and would be given the awesome responsibility to testify of His Resurrection. They would get to be the first to share the good news of the Gospel. Jesus prays for their joy, their sanctification and then their mission.

I find myself really chewing through this today. As a believer in Christ, do I find my joy in Him, do I desire to be sanctified through Him and His Word and am I on mission to share this glorious truth with others? 

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