Thursday, April 1, 2021

John 18-20

Read: John 18-20 Sing: The Power of the Cross & The Lord is my Salvation 

Today will be the last entry for the week. Come back Monday and Tuesday as we wrap up and I lay out a challenge for all of us.

Today is Maundy Thursday to many. Allow this weekend to be Holy. To be reverent. To not be normal. Commit yourself to prayer, to seeking, to moments of quietness. Its part of why I am not writing anymore for the week. I myself, would like the time. In light of studying 14-17 going into 18-20 is incredibly heart stirring.

My final thought for today is that Jesus is who He says He is. In chapter 18 there is one moment I would like to focus on. Jesus declares Himself, "I AM He."  The men in the garden fall. Christ could have destroyed everyone in that moment. In fact, scripture teaches us it is through Christ alone they are even being sustained. ( He upholds the universe by the word of His power Hebrews 1:3). 

Christ willingly laid down His life. He was the propitiation for our sins. He was the sacrificial lamb. And he laid down His life while we were yet sinners.

Jesus is who He says He is. And that means that Jesus changes everything. Has he done that for you in yours life? Have you declared Jesus as Lord and Savior? Have you repented of your sins and turned to Him?

And if so.... Do we live this out? Is Jesus our Lord and Salvation? Or do we try to walk hand and hand with the world while hand in hand with Him? I cannot urge you enough- to get in your Bible more. To saturate yourself with scripture and truth. Not on an media fed daily feed.... but into the Word. The full counsel of God. Be so soaked in Scripture that nothing else has the ability to pour out of you. 

*This is a hint at whats coming this summer as next week I will introduce an exciting summer study to consider being a part of!

Dear friend- may His grace draw you nearer each day. He is Risen! He is risen indeed.

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