Wednesday, March 17, 2021

John 16: 12-15

 Read: John 16; Sing: Jesus, Thank You; Listen: Christ the Victor

Today's focus will be on verses 12-15, if you are listening along to the sermon roughly minute 24-30.

Lets jump into the notes and then again, followed by some additional thoughts and reactions:

Christ Centered Truth  point 1B

- Principle: The Spirit's work goes beyond the disciples to us today- How? By glorifying Christ!

-People like to glorify the Spirit. They either idolize Him or Minimize Him. Idol being that is where people hyper focus and out the primacy of their worship and Minimize by reducing Him to just a feeling or a vibe or a power. He is not a force- but a Person.

-The Spirit's goal is to draw attention to Christ. J.I. Packer says the Holy Spirit has a flood light ministry. The goal is not to look at the flood light but have our attention drawn to what it is illuminating.

The Holy Spirit is not for vague impressions or feelings but to set our eyes firmly on Christ.

-a sign of the indwelling of the Spirit is growing in our need for Christ. It always leads to CHRIST CENTERED TRUTH.

Thoughts: There was so much to chew through and think through today. To put it into context, and ponder the questions and thoughts asked and spoken to us. 

What is your understanding of the Holy Spirit? Does it match the description Jesus Christ himself is giving of the Helper, or is it more based on religious traditions or feelings or fads? Progressive and prosperity gospel churches are infamous for destroying and idolizing the Helper and His work pointing it to Christ often claiming the power of the Spirit to point to themselves. If you have never gotten a chance to watch American Gospel, I cannot tell you enough how much I highly recommend it.

People, particularly spiritual leaders in modern and not so modern trends like to abuse the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to use for personal gain. They will say terms like " The Spirit told me to tell you, or claim new revelations or words that are never mentioned in Scripture. Challenge this at every front. If someone is claiming special deity knowledge outside of the words of Christ, question them. Jesus is telling His disciples here that the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to convict the world of sin and then here in verses 12-15 to illuminate the Words of Christ and bring understanding into our hearts. 

Where did you acquire your understanding of the Holy Spirit?

There are many ministries today abusing this. I specifically think of a major worship church/ministry. And several others that have followed suit. Challenge the words of their songs to Scripture. If the worship song talks more about how you feel about God or how God makes you feel, or fails to even mention the word Jesus or Christ or God...don't just accept it. Ask yourself why am I singing this and does it glorify Christ? Does it teach and lead me in  Christ Centered manner?

One of the most remarkable things is that Jesus says it is better for him to leave that the Helper might come. This is remarkable. It lends my heart to soar at the thought that now through the Holy Spirit I can have a better view of God through Jesus Christ! And His work and His righteousness! If you want to understand your worth to the Father, if you want to understand your worth as a person, consider it through these lenses. Friend we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and even in that, we are yet sinners in need of a savior and God did just that! He sent His Son for us. And after His Son, He now sends the Holy Spirit to dwell in us! No longer do we have to have someone go on our behalf and offer sacrifices, the work was finished on the Cross. It was finished. And now we have direct access to the Father as adopted sons and daughters purchased with His blood. If that doesn't give you hope, make your heart swell, and leave you speechless in joy filled gratitude and magnificent mercy and grace....well I don't know what will.

Friend, may your truth be centered on Christ alone, today.

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