Monday, March 15, 2021

John 16 1-4

 Read: John 16! Sermon: Christ the Victor Sing: Jesus, Thank You

Good morning. praying for you all as we jump into chapter 16 and understand the richness of Jesus' Words.

(Notes will be based off of the sermon and topics that come from the sermon points)

John 16 The main theme is Suffering and Joy.

We will focus on verses 1-4 today and 5-11 tomorrow. If you are following along in our outline we are on point #1- Christ centered Truth.

We are to expect these 2 things in our walk, suffering and joy. In the early Church suffering was not unexpected, people entered faith knowing it might cost them everything. From the time of the disciples to the Reformation to even the 20th century we see examples of this. We have been exceptionally blessed in America to not been under a place of persecution for the most part. Yes, there are certainly one off examples we can all think of, but for the most part we can gather freely and discuss the Bible. It might not always be this way, and Jesus knew for the immediate future of His disciples it certainly would not be that way. All but John would die for their faith. Following Christ can and will bring suffering...and joy. 

Jesus is preparing these men, essentially so they won't have a 'crisis of faith,' when the persecution comes. Trials have a way of sifting us, do I truly believe what the Word says? Being in "union with Christ makes a person fruitful for God- but also places him in direct opposition to the wicked world," Reformation Heritage Bible.Jesus beings with the statement, " I have said all of these things to you to keep you from falling away," and enters chapter 16 with the beautiful assurance, "in the world you will have tribulation. But take heart: I have overcome the world."

WOW. And there is a joy. Rooted and founded in the assurance of Christ.

The question was asked in the sermon, "What are my expectations of what it looks like to follow Christ?" It is good to stop and consider this today? A missiologist was quoted stating that the religiosity presented by American Christianity is so shallow and selfish,  it promises much and demands little. It is completely lacking in repentance, sacrifice, self-denial, holiness and a willingness to die for Christ. 

What do I expect? What do I give? Jesus says we are to pick up our Cross and follow Him. That we will have tribulation. That we will have hardship but to take heart in Him! Our modern day luke warm gospel says we should take heart in health, wealth and happiness. AND, if we aren't experiencing these things we might not have enough faith. It makes me want to weep the differences. Pastor Joel shared that it is estimated 26 million Christians were martyred in the 20th century alone. Just because it is not happening around you, we can not turn a blind eye that for many followers the cost is still everything. 

Which brings us to the thought, if we have been given freedom of faith, what are we doing with it? How are we using this truly God given privilege to share the gospel? Do we seek Christ daily that our last breath would be His story?

Two martyr stories were mentioned, 1 in this sermon and 1 in another I had linked to. I am including links to read about their stories at the bottom. As recently as this week, I heard about 11 people arrested and beaten for their faith by the government in Myanmar. Pray for those who are persecuted, and share the love and hope of Jesus Christ with all who will listen! He came and died that we might live! We have the greatest hope and the greatest joy to offer to people. Christ died for our sins! Do we desire opportunities to tell His story? Do we pray for holiness and practice self-denial in our own lives? Do we train and soak in His word, so that when trials come we don't have a crisis of faith but we have a solid rock to stand on?

Sister take heart! He is a good Father. Ask, and it will be given to you. 

Thomas Cranmer

Lady Jane Grey

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