Monday, March 8, 2021

John 15

 Read: John 15; Sing: Christ will be my Hideaway AND Yet Not I but Christ

I couldn't decide between these two beautiful songs to worship to this week, and thought, hey, why not! Time spent worshiping is never time wasted!

John 15:7-11

To start this week, I am doing something different. I have been so moved by the sermons by the pastors in Rhode Island and New Hampshire, we are going to start the week with just taking the time to listen. I highly encourage you to listen to John 14 and 15 via audio. And then listen to this sermon. Tomorrow we will cover 6-17 as a larger clump. Find time to listen! Dear friend, join me in learning and digging out of these scriptures all the treasures we might find.

Matthew 13:44 the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, when a man finds it he sells all that he has and goes back and buys the field.(paraphrased) 

May you find Christ in our journey together.

Abiding in the Vine Pt 2

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