Friday, March 19, 2021

John 16:25-33

 Read: John 16 Sing: Jesus, Thank You; Listen: Christ the Victor

This will be our last day of the sermon notes format before we return to our traditional model of reading and study.

John 16:25-33

#3 Triumphant Peace

-As we enter this portion, reminded that our joy may be complete, Verse 6 Jesus says they will be full of sorrow and then in verse 24 the same word full is used and this time in the context of joy.

-Christ is enough: He is our strong Savior, He is our vindication and He is our joy.

- Trust Him

-Coming a day we can go direct to the Father.Jesus did not die because His Father is mean and he is nice. 

-v 27 teaches us to understand the Father himself loves you.

Will we let Jesus bring us to the Father?

Do you love Jesus? Do you believe He is who He says He is?

-The result if you triumphant peace Ground for this claim: Father's presence

-Being found in Jesus- "In ME you may have peace" that is a Christ centered truth.


-to be forewarned is to be forearmed

-He wants more for us than to simply not stumbling, but peace. Take heart.

-We live in between 2 victories. Christ's Resurrection and His coming again.

Do I live like I believe it?

Martin Luther said, "We should live as if Christ was crucified yesterday, rose today and is coming tomorrow."

How would my life look different is I lived like I believed this?

-Romans 3:7 We are more than conquers through Him who loved us.

WOW, as we conclude our study today of John 16 I am left humbled. Broken by the thought of many misguided thoughts, actions or untrue concepts of sorrow, joy and Christ. I am ever, ever humbled by the absolute stunning majesty of the work of the resurrected Savior.

Yesterday was a hard day for some reason. My heart just felt icky. I felt turmoil of thoughts over this I read ( seriously I need to get rid of social media) and just, busying myself will all the wrong things. Some days I feel as if I can conquer the world and other days it feels like it has conquered me.

It can get me off balance. I want to live with eternity stamped on my eyes on Jonathan Edwards would pray and plea. Yet it is hard is a self saturated culture. We demand long lives, good health, comfort, money, food, good physiques, everything but Christ and yet the Lord of Heaven and Earth proclaims through His glory that Jesus is Enough!

Do I live a life where I take triumphant peace in my Risen Savior and Victorious King? Do I take heart- IN HIM?!

May we chew through this as we prepare for a sobering 2 weeks marching closer to the cross, and the celebrating our Resurrected King.

Concluding Song to worship: Awake my Soul

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