Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Bringing back a thankful heart

 Good morning!

     It has been a while. I needed time. My family needed time. But it is time to be back! I hope to finally move over to a web version for a collection of not just my posts but guest posts, and excellent resources for women that consistently and constantly point us to Christ. Soli Deo Gloria!

   I have a giant fear at the moment. We are all suffering from a case of want mes and grumbles. We want things back to how they used to be. We have many complaints to lodge against those who don't hold our covid views. In fact, we are more passionate about peoples pandemic response then anything I have seen in a very long time. As believers, and as believing women this should not be so. Our primary pursuit and passion should always be....Christ. Our language should bear the love of Christ and our passion should be the Gospel. I have suffered from wandering heart and running tongue disease often over this year. Lodging complaints and a grumbling attitude from everything to the weather, to the mask, to the traffic, to aches and pains or injustices. I have been quick to anger or anxiety and a sluggard to prayer. Can anyone else relate?

    Whats a woman to do? Memorize the Word. Replace the world's message with Biblical Absolutes! Care to join me? 

The Daily Grace Company publishes study guides called "Dwell" I am beginning the one on Psalms for praise and thanksgiving with a hope to reset my heart and mind prior to our Advent season. Studying is more fun together. Email or message me if you care to join so we can encourage one another in word and deed. Memorizing scripture is not only for our children, it is a way to store God's word deep in our hearts and allow Him to shape our thoughts, and responses to His Glory! 


Also, here is the first Psalm set to music

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