Monday, March 29, 2021

John 17 Holy Week

 Read John 17 Sing: The Lord is my Salvation & The Power of the Cross

John 17:6-19 The prayer for His disciples, particularly the eleven apostles.

It should be noted this prayer is particular but not exclusive. As always the Word is living and active. The notes will focus though on the beauty of the prayer for these men, and the fulfillment of the prayer. 

I am leaning heavy on my notes today from my Bible (Reformation Heritage Bible- Editor Joel Beeke) The following is an exert from John 17:

    *6-12 Manifested thy name: Revealed the glory of God in the Gospel. The disciples were chosen, 'election produces obedience' We see- that saving faith receives Christ as the One appointed by God to save sinners and give them eternal life, as Peter confessed (Mt 6:68-69). 

   *v11 Holy Father- A title of God found no where else in scripture, appealing to His supreme majesty and compassionate love- "keep them in thine own name" Preserve them (the disciples) in the faith by the Gospel revelation of who God is. Unified in Christ with one another.

Lets pause here today. There is a lot to understand about what is going on. Jesus is praying for his disciples. This is truly incredible as persons who have the full counsel of God we can read and know the whole story. We see this answered. In John 14-16 we see these men asking questions, still not certain of themselves. We see in 18 that they will scatter. They are fearful, they are very much human. Yet, Jesus knew. He knew before and this is why moments before His own death He is praying for these men- because what they would face they could not do on their own. 

They are about to see their King Crucified. The man whom they followed- killed. They had to live in the time after the death and prior to the resurrection. Can you imagine the darkness? Jesus knew. 

Then, these men, would be charged to go and share the Gospel! A glorious responsibility and a death sentence to all but John. Jesus knew. 

And He prayed. He went to the Father and prayed on their behalf. He had love and compassion and cared deeply for those that were His. We will see this further tomorrow and as we continue Wednesday with the end of chapter 17 as Jesus prayed for the church ( yes including us today.) Why? Because, Jesus knew. He knew how much we needed Him, before we and the disciples did. That without Him we cannot, but with Him- we can do anything that He asks of us. We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. 

As we enter Holy week, may we strive for and look for areas we can try and make it more holy. It does not need to be a pious thing, or a religious thing. Make it a Jesus thing. The King of Glory came and died...and rose again! How can we better give our time, or thought life, or devotion or money or resources to Him? How can our lives testify of His truth better? May we pray with confidence in Christ this week. In everything, in every deed may we seek His glory. <3

John 17 Sermon

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