Wednesday, February 24, 2021

John 14 4-7

Read: John 14; Sing: Most Merciful God 

The disciples walked with Jesus. For 3 years. They saw the signs and the miracles. They were sent out under His authority to likewise minister and heal. Yet now, sitting at His table, moments before the culmination of the prophecies of Old were about to take is self evident...they still don't get it. And they ask questions. And Jesus answers.

For this passage we will look at Thomas' question. These verses are loaded. I mean seriously loaded. Even today while thinking I was ready to sit and write, going through the chapter and the notes and the chapter again...I was struck. I was humbled. I was moved to tears over the absolute richness of God's mercy. Ephesians 4 we are urged to walk in a manner worthy of our calling ( to Christ) being patient with one love. We see this demonstrated fully and perfectly right here in Christ in this upper room to His disciples. Those who should know Him best yet seemingly knowing Him not.

..."And you  know the way I am going." Thomas said to him, Lord we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?" Jesus said to him, " I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you do know Him, and have seen Him." Jesus has been teaching the disciples, even to this group explaining the parables meaning that He kept from others. They saw Lazarus rise from the dead. They saw the man with demons healed. They heard the testimony of the woman at the well. Yet, here in this moment with hours to spare, they are still unsure. They are still not believing, and have yet to understand the way. Jesus makes it abundantly clear and uses an I AM statement. There are many in the book of John and more in this chapter. He looks at Thomas and says, I AM the way, and the truth, and the life. I AM the way. I AM the truth, I AM the life. I get goosebumps reading this. Thinking on this. Jesus Christ, who we read in Hebrews 1:3 is the radiance of the Glory of God, the exact imprint of His Nature. If we know Him, we know the Father. This is staggering. He, being Christ, is teaching this truth, and marching towards the Cross, while we were yet sinners. 

One commentary writes, "Christ summarizes here how in Him the Lord God (I AM) has come to mankind to be all they need for salvation. Christ himself is the only path (way) by which sinners far from God can draw near to Him, in reconciled relationship; the only knowledge (truth) by which those ignorant of God can receive revelation and illumination so as to know Him; and the only power by which those dead in sin can be raised to life to live for God and with God in the Spirit both now and forever. This summary corresponds to Christ's offices as Priest, Prophet and King."

He is the I AM. If you find yourself lost, or seeking, ask Jesus.... He will tell you, His Word will teach you- HE IS the way. 

Last thought: when I was looking for a picture of the I AM for my blog, I stumbled across so many I AM posters. And you know what- they were predominated self glorifying ( even with verses attached.) I am loved, lovely, strong, brave.... the list goes on and on. I had to shuffle through to find the I AM statement that has the power to change who I am. But in today's society we don't allow Jesus to be our I AM. We want that role. We want to be our own savior, be our own priest and declare our own worth. We touched on this yesterday, but even in our churches we have preachers manipulated scripture to make Lazarus' wrappings about our own bindings rather than Christ's glory; or twist David and Goliath to teach us how to slay our giants. friend NO! Do not accept this. Christ did bigger, God means more! The Word of God points us to the Glory of God! He is the way, the truth and the life. And when we left Him be our I AM, we will find complete peace and satisfaction; because HE is worthy, HE is all together lovely, and because of HIM I am called child of the most High. :::MIND BLOWN:::

Is Jesus your way, your truth and your life?

Sermons for further study part 1:

Joel S. In the Upper Room 

Nate P. Our Hope in Christ

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