Thursday, December 24, 2020

week 4 Final Day

 Read Luke 2, Matthew 1:18-24, Sing: Hark the Harold Angels Sing, Memorize: Luke 2:8-14

Final Day, Final study. There will be a couple of links for sermons to carry you through the Christmas week before New Year's.

Yesterday in my studies I was in Zephaniah and my notes went over the sin that Israel was being charged with, ( well one of many) and it was syncretistic worship. That is the mixing the idolatry of the surrounding people with worship of the Lord. Ouch. We live in such a time and place where we don't even see that as a sin. We mix politics, holidays, tradition and religious practices and try to make it all blend together under a banner of Christianity. Christmas is a hard time to come across this, it caused me to pause and think of how I worship Jesus at Christmas. Is it worthy as He is worthy? Or as one author entitles a chapter of his book, " Serving leftovers to a Holy God."

2020 has gotten most of us, distracted. My challenge to you, to me today is to fix our eyes on Jesus. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is the glorious hope of life everlasting. And tomorrow and every day in this advent season we get to remember, and rejoice that Christ the Savior of the World was born.

Now is an excellent time to recalibrate. To focus on the truth, the Living Word of God, and that Word became flesh and dwelt among us. He came to die to raise again, that we may repent and turn to Him and be saved. There is no greater gift than salvation. Sister, no matter what this year held for you, no matter what is to come for us, Jesus Is Enough. 

December 31 I will have a final post, to prepare for the year to come. Sweet friend, thank you for studying with me. May Jesus Christ be the Life and Light of your Christmas season. Merry Christmas!

Here is 2 sermon series for further study:

Introducing Jesus

Luke 1 and 2

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