Friday, December 4, 2020

Wk 1 Day 5

 Read: Isaiah 9:1-7, Sing: Joy to the World, Memorize: Isaiah 9:6

Friday: On Fridays I love to wrap up our thoughts, and leave you with some of the sermons I have listened to on the specific passage we are working through together. Starting next Friday we will be having Bible Study. Please message me for the time. 

Originally, when I started the week I fully thought we would spend the most time on the 4 names of Christ mentioned in the passage. But, I have found these are so much richer on a personal study, where you can take the time to seek and savor the title and the glory of God presented in each promise. However, I found myself lost within verse 2, and verse 6a. The promise made of the Savior, Light will shine into darkness. Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given... I love how our memorization video ties in John 3:16. I cannot think of a better way to summarize my thoughts on this. Truthfully the magnitude of the prophecy is Isaiah being fulfilled and getting to be on this side of it, where we can read of the birth of Christ and get the fruit of His coming and the Gospel being made times is so overwhelming. A babe born in the manger, who came to die, that we, that I might live. And live I do, because for generation after generation believers have faithfully shared the good news of Jesus Christ. 

On Monday we listened to the spoken word performed by Isaac Wimberly (if you haven't yet you can find it here). I keep the words printed out near me for this study because it encapsulates so much of where I desire to be. I want to find myself longing for Christ's return, but often in my love of this world I must confess I don't long for Christ above all else. "On the edge of where excitement meets...fully pledged to a God they have not seen...they waited." Oh that I may be found waiting for my Savior when He comes again! What does your celebration of Christmas reveal about your waiting? I know this is such a hard question, but ask the hard questions! Does it show that you are consumed by the temporal and that you are longing for the eternal?! At Christmas we get to celebrate CHRIST! Jesus Christ! HE CAME!!!! He was born just like he promised, and we get to hope that as He yet promised He is coming again. May your longing, your hope and your expectations be found in Him today. <3

4 Sermons I enjoyed on Isaiah 9:

Wonderful Counselor

Part II

Mighty God

Everlasting Father

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