Friday, December 18, 2020

Week 3! Day 4/5

Read: Micah 5, Sing: Oh Little Town of Bethlehem, Memorize: Micah 5:2-5

 Whoops. I missed yesterday. I had snow on the mind! We started super early playing hard yesterday. Today we will wrap up with 2 more of the videos from John Piper and a book suggestion.

  Friend, we have never needed to spread the news of Christ and His supremacy and His ruling, and His Peace more than this year, in my opinion. My prayer is that we can rejoice in the goodness that this prophecy has come to pass and that Jesus Christ is Lord of Lords! In the darkness that has truly spread over lately- Share and be the Light of Jesus Christ. Our lives are but a vapor, if this was your last Christmas season, what would people remember of you? That you had the best lights, or cookies, gave the best presents? Or that you were a messenger, shouting and sharing that Jesus Christ is the Hope Everlasting and the Light of the World!

John Piper: Part III and IV

The Book is The King Has Come by James Boice found here

Have an absolutely wonderful weekend. Praying that you have opportunity to share joy even today!

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