Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Week 2 Day 3

 Read: Isaiah 7:14, Sing: Who Would Have Dreamed, Memorize: Isaiah 7:14

I have been mulling over so many thoughts lately. Good thoughts, worshipful thoughts, somber thoughts, and thoughts of sorrow. If 2020 has revealed anything to me it is that we live as life entitled. We feel, guaranteed tomorrow. And tomorrow the way we planned it. I won't lie, social media has become a burden to me and my heart because of the strife, complaining, soapboxing, and general malice displayed...and I am talking about believers specifically here. It causes my heart to grieve. I couldn't really put my finger on it, until this week. And I realized what it was, because I am guilty of it too. I am not satisfied in Christ alone. I have staked my claim in the way I want things, ease, happiness, peace, and cupcakes sprinkled with Jesus. I feel owed my circumstances...though I would never say it out loud or even to myself. And if things are a mess, or cancelled or don't make sense I shout out, complain, and worry about tomorrow. Yet, I so desire my prayer to be, Jesus, be glorified. (I have noticed its super hard for me to worship and whine at the same time...LOL)

How did I get to these thoughts this morning... because I was awed by the notion that the prophecy of God with us was fulfilled. This amazing moment with God became man, happened so long ago that I take this all for granted. Jesus Christ has become my perfect high priest and mediator. Wow. He came and died that I might go to Him. He was the perfect propitiation for my sins, and for the sins of the world. Not only that but when He ascended into heaven we were told it was better for Him to go that the Helper may come. We reap the benefits of Christ's birth, death, resurrection and the dwelling of the Holy Spirit within us! AND on top of that we have the entire Counsel of God, the Word of God, the completion of the Scriptures before us, with commentaries to understand it all the more. We are the most blessed believers...and yet... all of it can be taken for granted. We, I, can live as if I hardly know Him. 

2020 has taught me we don't like to be uncomfortable, or disrupted. My prayer is that going into Christmas, I can take joy in the greatest disruption of mankind, when God came and dwelt among us. And, that I can long for Him to come again. In the meanwhile, I can take all joy, all delight, regardless my external circumstances, in the comfort and joy that God did what he said and came. God with us, Immanuel. 

Our song this week, these words have been... so beautiful, and such a call to worship for me:

Wondrous gift of heaven: the Father sends the Son
Planned from time eternal, moved by holy love
He will carry our curse and death He'll reverse
So we can be daughters and sons
And who would have dreamed or ever foreseen
That we could hold God in our hands?
The Giver of Life is born in the night
Revealing God's glorious plan save the world. May this week be a gracious reminded that God came and dwelt among us in the Person of Jesus Christ. 
Thursday and Friday I will be simply featuring 2 or 3 sermons with the more technical side of Isaiah 7:14 by several excellent preachers. I could never explain it the way they do, I encourage you to listen, as understanding the Old Testament and understanding theology is both important and edifying to our walk with the Lord. Many blessings to you sisters <3

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