Friday, December 11, 2020

Week 2 Day 5

 Read: Isaiah 7:14. Sing: Who Would Have Dreamed, Memorize: Isaiah 7:14       

Isaiah 7:14 foretells of the birth of Jesus; Matthew 1:23 is the confirmation. The angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, and told him "the virgin shall conceive and bear a son..." God uses scripture to assure Joseph of what is happening. God's promise made is His promise being kept.

Can you imagine? No, seriously, can you imagine what it would have been like? It had been 400 or so years since a prophet had spoken. Mary and Joseph were found faithful in the darkness. How does the Lord find us waiting in darkness? And truly, we don't have to endure the same, because we have Christ! 

As winter creeps in, and darkness settles our land, on what many have already found to be a year of darkness, I ask, how are you being found? Waiting and seeking the Savior, trusting in the promises of the Lord and hoping for His return? Sharing this life-altering good news and glorious joy with those around you? Or are you found lambasting people who think differently, awaiting either a political or medical savior? Where have your hopes be laid this year? 

This weekend- take the time to see where you are at. This season, is a wonderful reminder of the beauty of our promise keeping Savior. He is, He was and He ever will be. He carries our sorrows. He is our joy, our peace and our love. When the darkness abounds- may you be reminded that in His Light do we see Light. Darkness cannot overshadow Him. He is the I AM. 

Friend, Jesus beckons in Matthew 11, " Come to me all who are heavy laden, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light." What can you let go of today? Where are you seeking out your salvation? May your hope be found is Jesus.

Here is a sermon by James White going through the prophecies of Isaiah 7-11. Enjoy!


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