Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Week 4 Day 2

 Read: Luke 1-2, Sing: Hark the Harold Angels Sing, Memorize: Luke 2: 8-14

Today, I am serving a slice of humble pie. I had to eat it this morning as I was struggling with what to talk about, which direction...so I went for a run. I am attaching the sermon I listened too. I come to the focus passage every year all the time... the shepherds. Its about them and their position in society...etc etc. Yet, I have missed the entire time- the phrase, magnitude and message described in a few simple words... and the Glory of the Lord shone around them. The Glory of the Lord! Here, I am every year trying to imagine what it felt like to be shepherds, we make the scene about them and MISS the glory of God shining around them, we miss the Glory of God shining around us at Christmas! :::Insert giant sigh here::: I am not sure how I miss so many key points all the time... hopefully you can relate!

This Christmas...Look up... See Jesus!

Listen to the sermon here.

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