Monday, December 7, 2020

WK 2 Day 1

 Its our second week of Advent! 

Read: Isaiah 7:14, Sing: Who would have Dreamed (Lyrics here) Memorize: Isaiah 7:14.

This week, as we explore Isaiah 7 we will take it in several layers. This can be taken quickly, something we glaze over in our church bulletin as a read aloud during Advent. We can read it and put it aside, with little thought, and without any implication in our lives. I would like to challenge us on that. You might think, seriously Jenny, 1 week, 1 verse this will get dull. BUT, and I say a big but here. I have been focused on this verse for several weeks, and I continue to be amazed at how little I understand Old Testament prophecy, how much I take Jesus for granted, and at times how little I care about the mind blowing thought that Immanuel was promised, and indeed He has come.

We will get a bit more into the technical portion of OT prophecy later in the week. Please don't tune those out. We should know what our Bible says and what it means...not to us...but as if we don't exist. Scripture is not meant to be interpreted by our feelings or circumstances. Scripture is the authoritative, inerrant Word of God. It is. When we can lay hold to the truth that the Bible is not shifting sand, is not culturally relevant or shaped, we can stand firm in and on our foundations of this truth. I read somewhere this weekend, if you want to know what God is like, look to Jesus. Jesus is the Word made flesh. He is the Son of God, an exact imprint of His nature. Woah. 

Isaiah is warning Ahaz when we jump into chapter 7 against an ungodly alliance, and encourages him to seek a sign from the Lord. Ahaz, is a very wicked King and already has his mind made up, yet covers it with self-promoting righteousness. He says, " I will not ask, I will not put the Lord to the test." The truth is, Ahaz already made up his mind. The Lord through Isaiah had said, ask...Ahaz said no. Before even getting into the promise of Immanuel, I was struck by this wicked king.... and the likeness I shared with him. How many times can I turn to scripture to seek out God, and His will and intentions for.... whatever, fill in the blank. But I don't, and I won't because I have already made up my mind. But being a believer will use phrases like... Oh I just trust the Lord will provide, however not heart felt it is. BLEH. It made me sick to read through this transaction. Yet God is so merciful. I realize more and more the heaps of grace He pours out to me each and every day.

I will try and keep this short today- its Monday. But one more thought on the passage as we dive into this week. Isaiah will go on to rebuke Ahaz, and promise the coming of God himself. Hundreds of years before the birth of Christ, His birth is foretold. Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign, Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. 

Immanuel, God with us. Never a more humbling, beautiful, profound promise. God with us. The Creator, laying in the arms of His creations, to save them! In the song I chose this week, there is a phrase that when I heard it the first time tears burst out ( Yes I was out walking, my neighbors probably think I am crazy...if they hadn't already) It says, "And who would have dreamed, or ever forseen, that we could hold God in our hands? The Giver of Life is born in the night Revealing God's glorious plan, to save the world.

The Creator of the Universe, who spoke galaxies and stars into existence, gave Himself as a sign. May we be in awe of His glorious plan this week, and take time to treasure the Written Word He gave us to teach us about Himself. In Him, we have everything this season. <3

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