Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Week 3 Day 3!

 Read: Micah 5, Sing: Oh Little Town of Bethlehem, Memorize: Micah 5:2-5

Good morning! Today will be brief because there are two wonderful links here, and the rest will be included Thursday and Friday. 

This is a very sweet article on the History of the writer and reason behind Oh Little Town of Bethlehem, written by Keith Getty. 

And then, transitioning from our worship in song to our wonder of the Word... I found a 4 part series ( about 14 minutes each of John Piper expositing Micah 5:2-5 in such a beautiful clear way. Here are the first two: I and II

I am so encouraged to go deeper yet with you ladies. In a day and age where truth is loose and has no foundation how good it is to set our feet firm in the everlasting! May you take hope in His Everlasting Light today and this season!

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