Monday, January 11, 2021

All the wrong reasons.

 Hated, for My name's sake. These were the words of Christ. We have heard them echoes for centuries. And yet here we are in 2021 and the message seems awry.

These are simply my thoughts in a world that has too many already...but I grieve this year. I grieve what I read and see, especially among believers. We are to be a light in the world. A city on the hill, yet when you look around the division of things that hold no eternal value runs rampant. I have seen old college friends become so polarized that the way they talk to, or moreso, dismiss one another with utter disdain is heart wrenching. 

Are we not brothers and sisters in Christ?

I was talking to my husband yesterday, no I am lying, I was crying, over the state of the church. The hostilities, the hurt, and the LACK of Gospel witness is a world that is utterly broken overwhelmed my heart. How many times have there been atrocities, genocides, earthquakes and broken spirits around us where we remained silent. Not just silent but apathetic. Yet this year, I have see so many people willing to be hated for something other than the Name of Christ. 

Nations rise and fall, but the name of the Lord lasts forever! I guess, my concern is, so many of us have made a hill that we are willing to die on, that has zero eternal value. And we are willing to alienate neighbors, friends and brothers and sisters in the faith over it. This is for both sides. But when is the last time we were willing to be hated for the sake of the Gospel? When is the last time we were willing to speak truth at the cost of our reputation, job or even life? 

The banner we should be flying in times like this is the Gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ. The world has enough bad news right now. And so many of us are trading in His banner of love for a cheapened white posterboard with our feelings on fleeting affairs. 

Are these things important, yes. Are injustices and prejudices and turmoil and handling of events of governmental affairs of value to debate; absolutely. But when they take our hearts and eyes and time of attention off of the main thing, they trivialize the hope that is within us. The only hope we have in this brokenness is Christ! We can offer hope and healing and a promise of justice and security in righteousness, IN CHRIST!

Nations rise and fall, they are but a drop in the bucket. But the Word of the Lord...that lasts forever. If I am to be hated, may my last breath be to His glory alone.

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