Thursday, December 3, 2020

WK 1 Day 4

Read Isaiah 9:1-7, Sing: Joy to the World, Memorize: Isaiah 9:6!

Do you ever feel like you are carrying extra burdens at Christmas? Feelings of loss, or unnecessary expectations? Days full of either pointless things, silly things, or even good things? Everyone has something to sell, everyone wants your time, money and energy. Malls, churches, Walmart... you name it. We have commitment after commitment. Am I getting enough done? Am I making this...spiritual enough, religious enough, red and green enough? Today I would like to challenge you to get rid of the noise the stands in the way between you, your family and the magnitude of Christmas.

As I read, and reread Isaiah 9, and listen to sermons and read commentaries... I am amazed how much I can miss on the goodness of the Gospel in Christmas. The moment light penetrated darkness. I have been thinking about the moment God spoke into existence..."Let there be light." That cataclysmic event. Forever the darkness was gone. And we are reminded in the book of John that this moment happens with Christ. In the beginning was the Word...and He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. 

He who created the persons whose very breath depend on the Lord sustaining it, were now holding the Word of God made flesh. He- the MIGHTY GOD! The titles of Christ given in Isaiah are racing through my mind this week. But Mighty God this year I have clung too. It might be because I have listened to this song on repeat, and wept like a baby...but it goes on to say- He who is mighty has done a great thing...unto us a son is given...born was the cornerstone. He who is mighty. Came to save a sinner such as me. He came as the Prince of Peace, reconciling us to our Father as only He could do. 

Make a mental list today- of every expectation you put on yourself. Why are you doing it? Does it cause you to stand and bow in humble admiration to the Lord? Does it bring glory to God? Does it shout that HE WHO IS MIGHTY has come to set men free? Or is it just something you are doing? Throw away the 'rules,' unclutter your hearts and your minds, and find yourself, sitting at the foot of a manger...beholding the mystery of the child born. Unto us a child is born! Unto us a Son is given. 


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