Monday, December 14, 2020

Week 3! Day 1

 Read: Micah 5:2-5, Sing: O Little Town of Bethlehem, Memorize: Micah 5:2-5

Oh I beseech thee!! 

Okay, now that that is off my chest, let us begin!

Micah 5:2-5 is another prophecy of the Old Testament proclaiming the coming of the Christ. It is yet again amazing to see as we walk through the Old into the New the fulfillment of the prophecies of Jesus. The pattern we are loosely following for our study this year, Monday and introduction to the author and context of our passage, Tuesday a bit deeper yet and more application, Wednesday our hymn study, Theology Thursday and wrap it up Friday. 

Lets jump in...Who is Micah? Micah was a prophet from Moresheth, prophesying during the same timeframe as Isaiah. His ministry lasted roughly 20 years during the reigns of Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah. "Micah is primarily a book proclaiming judgement and restoration for God's people," (The Reformation Study Bible, pg1362). "His birth in Bethlehem points to His having an obscure start in life...He will act in accordance with all that God stipulates and so will completely fulfill the divine purpose. Micah also unveils a mysterious, superhuman origin for the Messiah in that He is, "from of old, from ancient days (5:2),"(pg. 1362).

It is so easy to read these verses without any context and simply apply them to our modern day understanding. Yet, when they were uttered these were profound. The unraveling of an announcement made in the Garden of Eden, when God promised a rescuer. Now the promise is being revealed even yet more. A ruler! In the strength of the Lord! In the majesty of the strength of the Lord! And He shall be great to the ends of the earth!

Do we see Jesus as this? When we listen, and hear, are we filled with the resonating hope that Christ has come? He has come to save His own. Our Shepherd has come! That baby, born in the manger... He is Christ the Lord!!! Wow. Worship Him with me today! <3

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