Friday, March 24, 2023

Luke 20:46-21:4

 Admittedly, I did not enjoy the reading today in our book. It had nothing to do with the primary lesson which I think is very valuable and important, it had to do with the speculation. Even the best teachers and preachers are still men, and we do not always have to hang on to their every word. In this instance, and as on occasion in this book, I do not enjoy thinking about if voices were raised or how the woman looked putting in her money. I simply and always want to be in the Word and think on the word spoken by Jesus and written for us to know. I find a danger in imaginative story telling. We can so easily fantastically rewrite things (as we see is the current trend in Christianity right now) and set it on par with the Bible itself.

The premise of our study today, as we encounter the rich man and the widowed woman is their hearts. How they give, out of abundance and out of everything. 

There was a book written in the early 2000's and a chapter was titled, "Serving leftovers to a Holy God." and that sentence has always stuck with me. How do I live my life? How do I come to the Lord? Do I give my leftovers or do I give to Him my best? We see this as a problem since the beginning. I think immediately of Cain and Abel and the way they brought their offering before the Lord. 

Where do we find ourselves this weekend? How will we serve and give? What is our motivation? Prayfully, it will be for the joy of the Lord. What is man's primary purpose? Westminster Question 1 says, "To glorify the Lord and enjoy Him forever." May that be our prayer and our praise today.

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