Monday, March 13, 2023

Luke 17:5-10

 Whenever my studies collide on the same topic the same day, I feel I should be paying extra attention. Today was faith being a gift, given by God in His complete grace to us. Read both in this portion of Luke but then in my quiet time catecism and prayer, a reminder of what faith genuinely is; and a great opportunity to correct any false narratives.

I love reading today in our book, how faith is not a thing. We can not muster up big little faith. Faith in our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, and since it is rooted and grounded in Him, it is always perfect. Faith is a gift given to us. 

In Westminster Larger Catechism Q & A 71 says in part "How is justification an act of God's free grace?" 

A:" Although Christ, by his obedience and death, did make a proper, real and full satisfaction to God's justice in the behalf of them that are justified; yet inasmuch as God accepteth the satisfaction from a surety, which he might have demanded from them, and did provide this surety, his own only Son, imputing His righteousness to them, and requiring nothing of them for their justification but faith, which also is his gift, their justification is to them of free grace." ( I underlined the statement in focus)

God's graces are immeasurable. His goodness is unsearchable. Do we look at faith as a thing to earn, a thing we do, or as a gift of God anchored in Him alone? When our faith is not what we can muster but in who Christ is, in His atoning work and His saving grace, how can we not walk by faith in this gift of God?

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