Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Luke 20:1-8

 Often we encounter people questioning our beliefs and motives. It is natural to want to defend ourselves. Yet time and again this is not the pattern of the Lord. He typically questions the questioner. He gets to the root of the matter and the state of their heart. 

We could learn well from this, listening to what is being asked, not ready to pounce with a defense or a rebuttal. Why is this person questioning me? Is their concern out of hurt, rebuke or malice? 

Unfortunately due in part to social media we don't have to listen anymore. Nor do we have to care about the person offering the statement. We can get brave behind our keyboards and spout off "spiritual poison," to prove our christianness, point or position. We have been trained to not care about those who are reading the response nor about the person behind the writing. May we break these habits. May we know the Word so well that our hearts and lives are seasoned with wisdom and understanding. May we learn when to speak and when to be silent. May we learn to walk in the shadow of the Almighty.

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