Thursday, March 16, 2023

Luke 18:15-17

 In a beautiful moment, Jesus assures that children are welcome. Wise parents came to the Lord seeking his blessing on their children. The disciples tried to send them away and Jesus, himself, rebuked them.

My mind goes this morning to the passage in Judges that I was reading. When Sampson's mother is told she would give birth to a son set aside for the work of the Lord, her and her husband seek God on how to raise him. I had honestly, never noted this detail but it is a worthy one to pause at. Do we seek the Lord on how best to raise our children? Do we teach His goodness to our children? Do we hinder them?

I have to be careful because I can find myself on a soapbox on ways I think the church has removed children from being blessed by the Lord. Rather than bringing them straight to Jesus we keep them away from His word on a typical Sunday morning ( or wait until they are "old enough," to sit through service). We as parents must remember that the Word of God is living and active, it knows no age. 

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