Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Luke 11:14-26

 It is always startling to read about the casting out of demons. As we continue with Jesus on the road to Jerusalem, we encounter just that. Much is happening, Jesus heals a man and those around him challenge him on what he has done. I love how Sinclair Ferguson laid it out today, he was on the way to accomplish the long foretold promise, to crush the serpent's head. Here is a foretaste.

Jesus states in verse 23, "whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters."

Are there areas in your life that would put you in direct opposition with Christ? Are there places where we find ourselves scattering fallacies about the kingdom (gossip, discontentment, grumbling, complaining, disputing, dishonoring, lusting, hating) that we can repent of and ask the Lord to change in our hearts and minds? May we strive to always be for the Lord and worship Him alone.

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