Thursday, March 9, 2023

Luke 13:22-30

 Today's read was beautiful, humbling and a startling warning shot. SO often we can fall into the trap of this man, wanting to talk theology or things of the Lord while failing to not know him. He want to know answers in place of knowing Christ Himself.

Sinclair Ferguson breaks down Jesus' response in these 3 ways:

1.That is not the question you should be asking (v,24) What you should be asking is, "Am I going to be saved?"

2, Make sure you strive to enter now, while you have the opportunity (v 25). One day it will be too late. The door will be shut.

3. Don't confuse having seen me and listened to me with coming to me (v 26).

These are massively huge thoughts to ponder. We read in the Old Testament of Noah, there was a day that the door to the Ark shut. The Lord himself shut the door. We do not get to chose when the door closes but today we have the opportunity to seek him while he might be found.

Primarily, today I think the 3rd statement is the most troublesome. The notes in my bible state, "To have social fellowship with Jesus and hear His teaching is not enough. In fact, to witness His miracles and hear His words without responding in faith compounds people's guilt (10:13-15)". Is this not how we can be today? The church is in danger of merely being a group think fellowship hall where we gather for a good time and listen to a sermonette. Fellowship in itself if not a bad thing, but when it becomes the main thing, or the main goal is just getting people through the door and trying not to scare them away we are in grave danger. Faith comes through hearing and hearing by the Word of God. His Word must always be our primary purpose.

Friend where are you today? Have you simply heard the word and like to do christian things or are you a daughter of the King who has been raised to newness of life through Christ Jesus our Lord?

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