Tuesday, August 25, 2020

James 3:5a

 James 3:3-5a. Oh the tongue. We could probably just linger here for days. (But we won't!😅) Our tongues get us in a world of trouble. As this passage says they are very powerful little muscles. With the bit in a horse you can control which way it goes, a rudder on a massive ship can make it turn from one way to the next. 

This little kindle is capable of setting ablaze a forest fire. So what are we to do? The bible is full of instruction on this. We will look at some key passages today!

Colossians 4:6  

Ephesians 4:29

Proverbs 10:19

Proverbs 21:23

Really, all of Proverbs. But these are good verses to commit to heart and practice. We can do so much harm or we can do so much good with what comes out of our mouth. In my study Bible one of the questions on this passage bares sharing...if you were to take stock on the last week of what came out of your mouth, what would it tell about the condition of your heart? Do you words build up or tear down? We constantly strive to teach our children to demonstrate kindness, beginning at home. If you cannot encourage your own siblings or demonstrate goodness at home; how on earth will we be able to do it in a world of brokenness.

Proverbs 31:26 says, "She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction in on her tongue." May we exhibit this b being filled with the Word. When we saturate ourselves in God's truth; it will be our overflow. 


  1. Thank you so much for your faithful study of the word! This study is such a blessing! I learned one time in the study of the tongue that it is the only muscle in the body that is only attached at one end to bone. All muscles have a countercheck with the opposite end of the muscle being attached. All the more reason we need to check our words before we speak, keeping our tongues from wagging about without discretion!
