Wednesday, August 12, 2020

James 2:1-7

James 2:1-7

This is such a fitting passage for where we are in our timeline of life events. James although writing almost 2,000 years ago could not still identify more with current issues and narratives. Lets take a closer look at the issues being discussed and the heart check we should take as inventory.

My brothers, show no partiality, this term partiality can also be rendered favoritism. Favoritism. Such a good and sobering word as we think through this passage. Partiality is by no means limited to skin color, but absolutely includes it, James here talks about socio-economics...favoritism to the wealthy ( as they would be seen as those who could give more) or the poor (dirty, filthy, less likely to contribute). James lived in a society where people were divided between Jews or Gentiles, slaves or free, men or women. And as a result people, whether aware of it or not had preferences and favoritism towards others.

We do the same. I love that James uses the example of someone walking into the church gathering. What a gut check. A family walks in, or a single mom walks in, or someone we would consider "shady," walks in, do we greet them? Do we push over? Do we pretend we didn't see them? Do we wonder why they are there?

James 2:4 have you not then made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?
All men are created as image bearers of God. We must see one another in this light if we are to love one another in this accord. That is why in 1 Peter we are told to honor everyone. We do not have to agree with nor understand people to honor them because they are a people just like us. 

A word of caution lest you run with zeal towards any current movement. Be weary of what does not hold up to biblical truths. There are A LOT of misinformed and mis-intended persons out there trying to take advantage of the chaos and turmoil around. Our only hope, our only peace, our only capability to be kind comes in and through and from Christ. May Christ abound more today. 

An excellent sermon on this topic: Faith in the Church. Make sure you click on the sermon with that title!

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