Monday, August 24, 2020

James 3:1-2

 James 3 is a big reason that I chose this book to study right now. I feel convicted, and rightly so every single time I read through it. Although short it packs quite the punch. I would encourage all of us as we read through to seriously consider our thoughts, actions, attitudes, hearts and intentions during a season of high turmoil and conflict around us.

Our world is broken right now. Scared, angry, lost, hurting, spiraling out of control. I read an article 1:4 people in the 18-29 yr old bracket seriously considered suicide in the month of June. That means 1 out of every 4 millennials feels no reason to live. In an era where we have literally everything at our finger tips; people are empty, sad, broken and hopeless. 

We have hope, we have Christ! He is our joy and our strength. But if we are not careful- we will damn the very people we are meant to offer hope too. Is our commitment to social movements, reforms or platforms greater than our commitment to Christ? Are people more aware of our conspiracy theories and political alignments than they are on Whom we call Savior?

We can change that! But we must start by changing our hearts and attitudes and devoting them to Christ. We will see as we go through chapter 3 the destructive nature of the tongue, this 100% to the destructive nature of our tongue via our typing. 

We will start on verse 1-2 however. James urges us that not many of us should be teachers, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation. Not judgement to hell but if you are teaching more is expected out of you. We live in a generation where no one is content being a student because social media has given us all a platform. So, with that being said, if you are using that platform to teach, in any way; make sure you are walking in a way worthy of the calling of Christ. We see Paul again and again urge us to walk worthy of our calling. This is much moreso, if you teach. Do not take the responsibility lightly. Whether Sunday school, women's Bible Study, your children, or youth; if you chose to teach you accept the weight of it. Bear it well, by first and foremost having your identity and hope and knowledge and wisdom and power rooted and grounded in Christ Jesus. Set your standard as Christ; not the Christian celebrities nor the Christians at Church. We will all stand before the Lord one day, by ourselves. Yet God, in His mercy has given us His spoken Word to teach and admonish us in the things we need to know to grow in and exemplify His likeness and His glory!

James 3:2 reads in many things we all offend. All of us. We continue to sin daily. We must be humble and realize that the only perfect man is Christ. And we sin daily via our mouth. Especially for women, even believers, it has been demonstrated rather than to allow the fragrance of the gospel that being crass, semi-shocking, sexualized and rude are good things. None of these fit into the fruits of the spirit; being love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and...self control.  We have been so easily swayed by a very vulgar culture that we think there is a "Christian," version to the vulgarity and it is being demonstrated daily. May we humble ourselves before the Lord Jesus Christ and become a voice of kindness, goodness and gentleness is a heart broken society. May we offer Christ by walking worthy of our calling. <3

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