Monday, August 10, 2020

James 1:27a

 Every time I sit to study and write I think to myself, surely we can get through a couple verses today. Then I sit and dig in. I take more than my prone to cursory glance, and realize the seriousness of the truths being spoken. James has been wrecking me- but in a good way. I have had to come face to face with some serious issues in my own heart. As, be as life would journey us, we have been walking through a series of trials- and I have gotten to see first I practice what I teach?

The answer to that, is yes and no. Last week I can say in full disclosure that when we walked through a trial of perseverance, and hope; I met it with anxiety and fret. I could feel temptations chasing me down- to try to just drive the hours away by checking out and keeping busy. I felt myself short with my kids and utterly exhausted from worry and the what if games. Yet, there my Savior met me. Speaking to me, through His written Word, with truths he laid out generously for my good. As I cried and repented I felt the amazing goodness of God's grace washing over my heart and soul. We serve a tender Shepherd who takes us through trials for our benefit. And I can honestly say, did I get any of the answers I was fretting about? Nope. Would I and will I possibly be in the same week this week, yup. But, oh but God, being rich in His mercy has shown me that I can wait in Him. Its a far better place than waiting in ourselves. 

Okay- Side note over, James 1:27a Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their afflictions...

In John MacArthur's commentary on James he writes, "proper reaction to the Word of God is the willingness to apply it to one's life without selfishness, with genuine concern for the welfare of others, especially those in great need. Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is to serve them with love and compassion. Jesus said, "by this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another" (John 13:35)."

In our currect age even care of widows and orphans has become political. We try to tap out saying its not our job there are programs...or try to make our whole service to God about serving widows and orphans- but only the most destitute. We will skip over our single moms living next door chasing after "more orphaned and widowed than that," for religious accolades. James is writing this because for the early church, these were the most needy around them. There were no programs, no after school clubs, no reduced lunches or soup kitchens. It was the churches job. And James is saying and will say again, don't just glance by these persons, care for them. 

People matter. And we are in a society where self matters more. Widows and orphans exist in every tribe, tongue and language. We can pray, we can help, we can make dinners or go school shopping. Ask, help, seek. We live in a season right now, back to school...what does this look like for the single mom who needs to work? Can you help? Our society is hurting. It is full of perversions, exploitation, we are trafficking and aborting our children and having zero regard for the lives of the elderly. We can step in. Send cards to elderly family members, or in your church. There are many who can't travel or are scared too. Who haven't left their homes since March, and a text just isn't suffice. We can start now, we can look next door, next town, next state and next country over to see where and how we can help. 

Rosaria Butterfield wrote an excellent book on this called "The Gospel Comes with a House Key." It is a sobering and challenging read. Yet, I think it comes out of the convicting of the Word and teachings like James 1:27a.

It can feel overwhelming, don't let it be. Practically speaking today: make a list of 3 single moms you know, 3 widows you know and pull out your church directory and find 3 persons living is assisted care. Pray for them, write to them, safely visit them. We can be the hands and feet of Christ starting right at our kitchen tables. <3

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