Wednesday, August 19, 2020

James 2:19

 James 2:19 ...even the demons believe, and shudder. 

Oddly, this is one of my favorite verses in the Bible. I know, I know, that seems very odd. But I will take the course of this entry to hopefully explain why.

It can be so easy to get caught up into dead faith. To fall trap to the fact that you can say you believe in God, but then the rest of your day, week, lifetime carries on with little regard to that truth. We can profess with our mouth one thing, yet within our days live out another.

James is teaching us in this chapter, which is a hard and convicting one; that our lives should be a reflection of our proclamation of Christ, lest it be simply a puff of hot air out of our mouths.

Even the demons believe, and shudder. Even demons believe in God. They do not deny Him, they rage against Him, yet even in their war, I fear they have more reverance in a way towards the Almighty. Why do I think this? Because they acknowledge who God is, ask of His permission and then act on His authority. 

Read Matthew 8:24-34/Luke 8:26-37. When Jesus approached the demonic man the demons call out to Him Son of Man! They have immediate fear when approached by the Lord and beg Him to send them out. Then they go exactly where He tells them too. There was no fight, no "but God I don't want to," they went. They saw the Christ standing before them; acknowledged who he was, and then followed. We must be reminded... these are demons. Not believers. 

Again we see in Luke 22:31-32 Jesus say to Peter, Satan has asked. In Job the same thing, Satan asks God. This is a pattern of demonic activity. Yet, it can so much not be the habitual pattern of a person who proclaims faith in Christ! 

Do we ask the Lord prior to decisions or do we ask blessings on things we already have started or set out minds to? Do we come before the throne of God not just seeking His will but ready to obey it when He gives a command? An easy measure- His Word is His command. Are we following what He says?/ Are we known by our love for one another? Do we demonstrate fruit according to His purposes, His will, His generosity? Do we even care? Or do we have such a detachment from our Bibles that we approach the Word, read the Word and do not shudder?

This is why I love this passage. It is a stark reminder of my approach, regard and at times apathy or detachment to the Savior whom I love. When I sit to read, and I coming ready to receive the truths, regardless of what they teach? Am I ready to lay aside my selfish ambition or sinful ways in light of what I am being taught as good? Do demons demonstrate more awe of Christ than I do?

May our beliefs and profession of Christ, be more than empty words. May it never be said of us, you say you believe in Jesus, great, even the demons believe...and tremble.

Let us therefore, be known by our faith by the outpouring of our genuine love and demonstration of God's Word and truth. 

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