Friday, August 21, 2020

James 2:20-26

 This can be a very weighty passage that leads to quite the differing of opinion in the church. Some have used this passage to say that faith is 1 part salvation 1 part works. That in order to keep your faith you must have works.

 After reading many different commentaries and hearing different sermons, I will try and make this simple and brief. The biggest thing learned was that James and Paul are using the the word justified very differently. Focusing on James, he is using it with the meaning of "to demonstrate," therefore, he is not trying to convince the Christian that their faith is justified by their works, because our faith is justified through Christ alone. He is saying our faith is demonstrated by our works. Faith, without works, would be no faith at all.

This is clearly in line with scripture. Saving faith produces fruit. James is teaching the reader that if you have a profession of faith your life out pours works. It is a reaction and a portion of our sanctification. Even if the faith is demonstrated small at first; growing as we grow in Christ. 

I thoroughly enjoy that James uses Abraham and Rehab as his two examples. A former idolater, called by the Lord becoming a father to a nation; and a gentile prostitute who ends up being in the lineage of Christ. Abraham trusted in the Lord! Rehab trusted in the Lord! While although very different in life and sex and upbringing to both was accounted to them their righteousness through faith and is clearly visible through their works! They demonstrated their faith being genuine. We can actually read again of these two! It is not the only place Abraham and Rehab are mentioned for their trust and faith in the Lord. Hebrews 11 features them in their list as well, a passage sometimes coined ,"Hall of Faith," persons who demonstrated their faith in God, even if they perished before the promise was fully revealed. We are taught in Hebrews 11, "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."

Faith- the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. By faith, and through faith, may we demonstrate our love of Jesus Christ and the saving truth and keeping truth of genuine Salvation to all we come in contact with!

Worship: Oh Love That Will Not Me Go

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