Thursday, August 6, 2020

James 1:26

If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless. James 1:26

James will go further yet into this study on the tongue in later chapters, but brings it up now. James will be a sharpening tool, a pruning sheer and a stumbling stone to many of us. We are being taught polar opposite of what our instincts might in fact be telling us to do. Trials being for our good? That we must not follow our heart but Christ's lead through all circumstances. That it is not acceptable to simply "do christianity," and now this- that we must look to see- does our tongue act as a weapon of treason against the faith we claim or does it spread the hope of the Gospel?

Covid has brought out the good, the bad and the absolutely hideous not just from America, but the church. It has become a dividing line, a division wall and a sounding board. And the unsaved world is watching. We have gone from being silently judgmental of others to throwing stones as hard as we can via social media or in stores or on blogs. My heart is grieved. There are thousands of people perishing every day, every single day; who will find out that there is a God whether they chose to accept that truth or not. Thousands of people who either never heard or rejected the gospel that will die. There are children being sold into trafficking every moment. The lockdown has caused the viewing of child pornography to climb to horrific, repulsive levels. People are scared to leave their homes. I was at the grocery store the other day and encountered two elderly women, who were visibly shaking, wrapped head to toe in covering and gloves and masks and a hat; and I heard both of them speaking to the cashier on just how scared they were to be out. My heart ached. BUT- where are we? Mocking people that wear masks on social media because we disagree? Mocking people scared because we think they are stupid? Consuming ourselves mindless entertainment to pass the hours because #covidsaysIcan? What has happened to us?

Today- might sound hard- and I don't mean it to but in the same regard I am broken. When is the last time that the thought that your talk not matching your walk has brought you to tears? When is the last time the gospel made you weep; or furthermore made you mobile?! Springing into action to tell others about the glorious good news of Jesus Christ?! The one who is sovereign over all things? The one who laid out the sun to govern the day and the stars and moon for the night? The One who calms the raging sea by the sounds of His Voice? When is the last time your confidence in salvation motivated you to lay down your life for a friend?

Sister. We will look back at this season one day, and maybe one day soon. Did you tongue cause your religion to be worthless to those who desperately need Christ? Or was your tongue used to administer the Balm of Gilead to the broken, sick, lost world around us? Do not be hearers only- but doers today <3 

Spread Christ. 

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