Have you ever read a passage, like a million times, then read the study notes on it- and realize you might have not understood the passage? Or taken it out of context? This was my experience with this verse. I always assumed that this was just a nugget of advice to be properly used for daily dialogue or current social media interactions. So much so I read 5 commentaries and then listened to a sermon on it- nope, its me- I was off. And that is the beauty of expositional learning. We we study verse by verse rather than one offs we are able to follow the thought, thread, theme and intent of the book.
James is writing to the believer, his beloved brothers. James is a pastor, writing to the flock that is trying to figure out how to go about being Christ followers. Keep in mind the book of James was possibly the earliest written. They did not have Romans or 1 Timothy or the Gospels to guide them. They had their teachers and the Old Testament. We live with the privilege, and I don't say that lightly because we can so take this for granted, the privilege of the Old an New Testament. We see the bigger picture- the prophecy fulfilled and now through even church history, the command to share the gospel being lived out.
Actually, have the Word written for us, in so many ways, in so many translations, in such ease of accessibility makes today's passage even more poinient. Let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger...this is talking about the Word of God!
Be quick to hear scripture. Be slow with a rebuttal or a refute of Scripture. And be slow to anger regarding the truths we read.
Seriously. My mind was a little topsy turvy this morning when I read this now in context. And it makes so much sense. Studying this in its passage we can now further the discussion that James is marking out key elements of a believer. How they handle trials and temptations in 1-18 and now how they respond to the Word in 19-27.
2 Timothy teaches us, " All scripture is breathed out by God, and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." James is going to go on as we study this passage to instruct us to be doers of the word not just hearers. Not in a works based salvation but as a response to the living breathing Word of God!
It is so easy to forget that God's written Word is God's spoken Word. We go to it apathetically. Half-hearted, distracted. we can glaze over it nonchalantly and take it like a fortune cookie. This should not be so! The Word of God is living and active! Sharper than any two-edged sword! I am reminded of the Psalmist heart in Psalm 119. Verses 1-8 and then 9-16 are beautiful words that should be read over and over today. Oh that we may we declare with our lips the laws of the Lord! May we meditate on His precepts and fix our eyes on His ways! May we not forget His Word!
Today: What ways to we not respond appropriately to God's Word? Do we take it for granted? Do we read it with a " yea, but in today's world..." Do we go to it with an opinion ready not seeking to be taught truth but trying to confirm an emotion or opinion? Are we angered when God's Word does not match up with what we want? Do we long for His Word meditating on it day and night?
May this day find us seeking Him through His Word with our whole hearts.
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