Monday, August 31, 2020

James 4:1-12 (verse 1-4)

 James 4:1-12

This passage is challenging. We are going to shake things up a bit and have a 3 part sermon series with notes in order to truly get out of this what we should. Please follow this link to the sermon page. Click on FAITH IN THE WORLD. Today listen to the first 25:00. Instead of study notes I am including here my sermon notes to follow along- and ask yourself the questions posed throughout the sermon. We will do this the next 3 days. IT IS SO GOOD. Challenging, hard, good teaching. 

Mt. Hope Church is located in Bristol, RI.

James 4:1-12

Submission: How do I feel when I hear that word?

We all submit to something. And good authority allows us to flourish. God is the perfect example of authority.

Humbly submit to the God who gives us greater grace.

1) Redefine worldliness v.1-5

2)Understand Grace v.6

3)Redefine repentance v.7-12

Part 1: Redefine Worldliness

 - seek out the source of our sickness, not the symptoms but the root. 

- an outward problem is always an inward problem

-passions is plural. Purity of heart is to will ONE thing. Set your heart on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. 

-we are not designed to have our hearts set on pleasures.

-Ecclesiastes: he had everything his eyes desired, yet when he considered everything it was futile and a pursuit of the wind. Have you ever held the wind in your hands? Can it be 'caught?'

-Worldliness is a system of thinking that places "self" at the very center. 

                -lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, pride of the heart

-"Legalism," is also not the answer. It masks worldliness rather than taking the heart of the matter- our sin. Our wicked heart.

Ask one another not simply how are you, but how are you doing spiritually?  Is your heart soft towards the things of God?

-What is the lie that needs to be exchanged for the truth? 

-Have we ever thought of prayerlessness as a sign of worldliness? Do we have a half-baked view of God and prayer?

-God loves us too much to let us mistake our pleasure for our purpose, to worship the creation rather than the Creator.

-Rightly ordered desires leave us not crushed but grant us grace to receive God's will. Not to pray give us what we want, But to ask Lord, give us our daily bread; protect our family allow us to trust in Your will.

-Praying that we can increase our joy in Him and give us what we need if we had the knowledge He has with eternal perspective. We can take great comfort in joy in that!

-You ask with wrong motives, James says. *Fatalism (it is what it is) *Hedonism (Give us our base pleasures, NOW.)

What do my prayers reveal about me? Am I praying to God or seeking a divine butler? *Every spiritual blessing is the heavens is THROUGH Christ!

-May we pray God, reorder our desires and give me Yourself.

James cries out YOU ADULTEROUS PEOPLE!!!! Friends with the world is enemy with God! Do we really think we can fool God?  Let us not have kindred spirits with the world. Let us not trample of the blood of Christ!

Application: Take the time to answer through these and even cling tight to chapter 1. Do we consider it a joy through trials, do we trust the God? Do we want all things in pursuit of His glory for His Glory? May we come to live Soli Deo gloria (To the Glory of God alone).

Friday, August 28, 2020

James 3:13-18

 James 3:13-18

Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in meekness of wisdom. But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambitions in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth.

It is amazing how we can read this and think of the persons whom this is talking about rather than ourselves. Those who do things out of selfish ambition or bitter jealously. But the truth is, if we were examining our hearts before the Lord we can probably see areas we have done this too. Maybe realizing it, maybe not. 

Social media 1000% leads to this. We see what people are doing. And often wish we were doing it too. So then, we post...too. We share what we are doing ignoring the scripture to not let our left hand know what our right hand is doing. We feel a need to account the good works that we are doing, and I dare suggest this goes against what we are being taught. Works done with meekness and wisdom are ones done out of a deep, abiding love that flows out of the relationship with the Savior. Not works done because we are wanting to do something...too.

Selfish ambition is a sneaky thing. We can think we are doing something good for others when often we are doing it to feel good about ourselves. We are trying to merit our salvation rather than meekly display the lavish love of God and gift of grace that was freely bestowed upon us. 

Verse 17-18 say But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.

We could literally spend the next week discussing every word from this list. Take time this weekend to use it as a guide. Does the wisdom I demonstrate both privately and publicly reflect these things? Romans 12 also discusses these things. There is a portion headed in the ESV with the title "Marks of a True Christian," and Paul says, "Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Do not be slothful in zeal, but fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in affliction, be constant in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality. Bless those who persecute you. Bless and do not curse them Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all." 

In some ways this feels like a summary of James! It is important to note the consistency of a life lived in Christ. May we work on this list rather than the world's. <3

Worship: Proverbs

Thursday, August 27, 2020

James 3:9-12

James 3:9-12

This is another passage that no matter how many times I read it, stops me in my tracks and greives my heart, causes me to repent and and God for the grace to honor Him better.

With it (our tongue) we curse men, which are made after the image of God. Blessings to God, curses to those whom He created in His likeness.

This is not talking about believers. This is talking about...everyone. All lives. All persons. No matter their religion, background, lifestyle choices or political affiliations, are all made in the likeness of God. We see this played out in our lives every day. Sitting doing quiet time in the morning and then signing onto social media... and within 3 comments of reading.. well we have some serious thoughts on that one. We might not say them even, but God knows our thoughts, He knows our hearts. We pray for our children and then can tear them down. We spout that we love our spouses but then can be disrespectful, selfish and vile towards them. Tongues can be life destroying weapons.

James is warning us again and again. The clerk at the grocery store, who is exhausted and wants to go home, the high schooler with the attitude, the woman waiting in line at planned parenthood, the neighbor next to you with the offensive political signs, the person in church who you try to dodge, the homeless man asking for money...image bears of the King. Although they might not all be believers they are all created in His likeness. 1 Peter 2:17 says to honor all men. This does not mean you have to agree, or be in compliance with, or sympathetic towards or tolerant of their own sin or grievous acts or choices. But it does mean you need to distribute kindness freely, because they all all lives created by God.

We can not be pro-life only in our political stance. A life matters at all times. We need to carry the hope of Jesus Christ to all through our language. We need to be as we read yesterday, seasoned with salt. What good is it sisters if we lose are saltiness? Matthew 5:13 says what good is it, if it loses its flavor? It will be thrown out.

We must not allow our witness to be thrown out because of our selective kindness. We must not be blesser of God and a curser of man. As James asks... can a fountain produce both fresh and salt water? In a broken world; be the fountain that offers the best water- living water- to all who come to drink from your well <3

Worship for today: How Sweet the Name

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

James 3:5-9

 James 3:5-9

How great a forest is set ablaze by such a fire! And the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness.

Our tongues. They can do great damage. We all have said things we wish we could take back. We all have said things we never should have. We all have caused damage with the raging inferno which is our mouths. 

James teaches how every bird and beast and sea creature... reptiles of every kind can all be tamed. Yet the tongue a small member of our body is unable to be bridled.

It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. 

Look around us today. I feel this is self evident. We have become a fear mongering, hate slewing, hysteria driven society. We now have capabilities far beyond any generation to take a hateful word and spread it rampant. With a click you can share demeaning information, eagerly read gossip with a scroll, and fill our minds with debased things that then pour out of our speech. This should not be so!

Our talk should be seasoned with salt. Colossians 4:5-6 teaches us, "Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each person."

These days we rapid fire our speech so much, and feel so self-entitled to our own opinions we do not readily stop to pray and consider what we are saying, typing, tweeting. We have an opinion, a thought, an irritation and we will write it, shout it, #it  for the whole world to know. 

1 Peter urges us women to allow our adorning to be of our hearts, not outwardly, of a quiet and gentle spirit. WOAH. Quite contrary to what culture says. Be loud, arrogant, angry and entitled. You do you. This is not Christlike. As we discussed the other day, even 'christian culture,' has made crass borderline vulgar, loud women best sellers and rendered the ones to follow. Sister- fix your eyes upon Jesus!!!

May we be known for our gracious words, gentleness and kindness. May we look to share the Gospel of Christ, the Good News of Jesus; rather than a forest fire of anger and animosity. 

Worship: We look to you

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

James 3:5a

 James 3:3-5a. Oh the tongue. We could probably just linger here for days. (But we won't!😅) Our tongues get us in a world of trouble. As this passage says they are very powerful little muscles. With the bit in a horse you can control which way it goes, a rudder on a massive ship can make it turn from one way to the next. 

This little kindle is capable of setting ablaze a forest fire. So what are we to do? The bible is full of instruction on this. We will look at some key passages today!

Colossians 4:6  

Ephesians 4:29

Proverbs 10:19

Proverbs 21:23

Really, all of Proverbs. But these are good verses to commit to heart and practice. We can do so much harm or we can do so much good with what comes out of our mouth. In my study Bible one of the questions on this passage bares sharing...if you were to take stock on the last week of what came out of your mouth, what would it tell about the condition of your heart? Do you words build up or tear down? We constantly strive to teach our children to demonstrate kindness, beginning at home. If you cannot encourage your own siblings or demonstrate goodness at home; how on earth will we be able to do it in a world of brokenness.

Proverbs 31:26 says, "She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction in on her tongue." May we exhibit this b being filled with the Word. When we saturate ourselves in God's truth; it will be our overflow. 

Monday, August 24, 2020

James 3:1-2

 James 3 is a big reason that I chose this book to study right now. I feel convicted, and rightly so every single time I read through it. Although short it packs quite the punch. I would encourage all of us as we read through to seriously consider our thoughts, actions, attitudes, hearts and intentions during a season of high turmoil and conflict around us.

Our world is broken right now. Scared, angry, lost, hurting, spiraling out of control. I read an article 1:4 people in the 18-29 yr old bracket seriously considered suicide in the month of June. That means 1 out of every 4 millennials feels no reason to live. In an era where we have literally everything at our finger tips; people are empty, sad, broken and hopeless. 

We have hope, we have Christ! He is our joy and our strength. But if we are not careful- we will damn the very people we are meant to offer hope too. Is our commitment to social movements, reforms or platforms greater than our commitment to Christ? Are people more aware of our conspiracy theories and political alignments than they are on Whom we call Savior?

We can change that! But we must start by changing our hearts and attitudes and devoting them to Christ. We will see as we go through chapter 3 the destructive nature of the tongue, this 100% to the destructive nature of our tongue via our typing. 

We will start on verse 1-2 however. James urges us that not many of us should be teachers, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation. Not judgement to hell but if you are teaching more is expected out of you. We live in a generation where no one is content being a student because social media has given us all a platform. So, with that being said, if you are using that platform to teach, in any way; make sure you are walking in a way worthy of the calling of Christ. We see Paul again and again urge us to walk worthy of our calling. This is much moreso, if you teach. Do not take the responsibility lightly. Whether Sunday school, women's Bible Study, your children, or youth; if you chose to teach you accept the weight of it. Bear it well, by first and foremost having your identity and hope and knowledge and wisdom and power rooted and grounded in Christ Jesus. Set your standard as Christ; not the Christian celebrities nor the Christians at Church. We will all stand before the Lord one day, by ourselves. Yet God, in His mercy has given us His spoken Word to teach and admonish us in the things we need to know to grow in and exemplify His likeness and His glory!

James 3:2 reads in many things we all offend. All of us. We continue to sin daily. We must be humble and realize that the only perfect man is Christ. And we sin daily via our mouth. Especially for women, even believers, it has been demonstrated rather than to allow the fragrance of the gospel that being crass, semi-shocking, sexualized and rude are good things. None of these fit into the fruits of the spirit; being love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and...self control.  We have been so easily swayed by a very vulgar culture that we think there is a "Christian," version to the vulgarity and it is being demonstrated daily. May we humble ourselves before the Lord Jesus Christ and become a voice of kindness, goodness and gentleness is a heart broken society. May we offer Christ by walking worthy of our calling. <3

Friday, August 21, 2020

James 2:20-26

 This can be a very weighty passage that leads to quite the differing of opinion in the church. Some have used this passage to say that faith is 1 part salvation 1 part works. That in order to keep your faith you must have works.

 After reading many different commentaries and hearing different sermons, I will try and make this simple and brief. The biggest thing learned was that James and Paul are using the the word justified very differently. Focusing on James, he is using it with the meaning of "to demonstrate," therefore, he is not trying to convince the Christian that their faith is justified by their works, because our faith is justified through Christ alone. He is saying our faith is demonstrated by our works. Faith, without works, would be no faith at all.

This is clearly in line with scripture. Saving faith produces fruit. James is teaching the reader that if you have a profession of faith your life out pours works. It is a reaction and a portion of our sanctification. Even if the faith is demonstrated small at first; growing as we grow in Christ. 

I thoroughly enjoy that James uses Abraham and Rehab as his two examples. A former idolater, called by the Lord becoming a father to a nation; and a gentile prostitute who ends up being in the lineage of Christ. Abraham trusted in the Lord! Rehab trusted in the Lord! While although very different in life and sex and upbringing to both was accounted to them their righteousness through faith and is clearly visible through their works! They demonstrated their faith being genuine. We can actually read again of these two! It is not the only place Abraham and Rehab are mentioned for their trust and faith in the Lord. Hebrews 11 features them in their list as well, a passage sometimes coined ,"Hall of Faith," persons who demonstrated their faith in God, even if they perished before the promise was fully revealed. We are taught in Hebrews 11, "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."

Faith- the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. By faith, and through faith, may we demonstrate our love of Jesus Christ and the saving truth and keeping truth of genuine Salvation to all we come in contact with!

Worship: Oh Love That Will Not Me Go

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

James 2:19

 James 2:19 ...even the demons believe, and shudder. 

Oddly, this is one of my favorite verses in the Bible. I know, I know, that seems very odd. But I will take the course of this entry to hopefully explain why.

It can be so easy to get caught up into dead faith. To fall trap to the fact that you can say you believe in God, but then the rest of your day, week, lifetime carries on with little regard to that truth. We can profess with our mouth one thing, yet within our days live out another.

James is teaching us in this chapter, which is a hard and convicting one; that our lives should be a reflection of our proclamation of Christ, lest it be simply a puff of hot air out of our mouths.

Even the demons believe, and shudder. Even demons believe in God. They do not deny Him, they rage against Him, yet even in their war, I fear they have more reverance in a way towards the Almighty. Why do I think this? Because they acknowledge who God is, ask of His permission and then act on His authority. 

Read Matthew 8:24-34/Luke 8:26-37. When Jesus approached the demonic man the demons call out to Him Son of Man! They have immediate fear when approached by the Lord and beg Him to send them out. Then they go exactly where He tells them too. There was no fight, no "but God I don't want to," they went. They saw the Christ standing before them; acknowledged who he was, and then followed. We must be reminded... these are demons. Not believers. 

Again we see in Luke 22:31-32 Jesus say to Peter, Satan has asked. In Job the same thing, Satan asks God. This is a pattern of demonic activity. Yet, it can so much not be the habitual pattern of a person who proclaims faith in Christ! 

Do we ask the Lord prior to decisions or do we ask blessings on things we already have started or set out minds to? Do we come before the throne of God not just seeking His will but ready to obey it when He gives a command? An easy measure- His Word is His command. Are we following what He says?/ Are we known by our love for one another? Do we demonstrate fruit according to His purposes, His will, His generosity? Do we even care? Or do we have such a detachment from our Bibles that we approach the Word, read the Word and do not shudder?

This is why I love this passage. It is a stark reminder of my approach, regard and at times apathy or detachment to the Savior whom I love. When I sit to read, and I coming ready to receive the truths, regardless of what they teach? Am I ready to lay aside my selfish ambition or sinful ways in light of what I am being taught as good? Do demons demonstrate more awe of Christ than I do?

May our beliefs and profession of Christ, be more than empty words. May it never be said of us, you say you believe in Jesus, great, even the demons believe...and tremble.

Let us therefore, be known by our faith by the outpouring of our genuine love and demonstration of God's Word and truth. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

James 2:18

 Over the course of the next few days we will get through verses 18-20. There is a lot to consider. Going into verse 18 today we will examine some teachings from Christ in reflection to this. We should look to our own salvation and consider the depth of it by the fruit we bear. Shallow conversion can be costly and deadly. 

"But someone will say, "You have faith and I have works." Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by works."

It needs to be reminded, restated and remembered this is 100% not saying that salvation is earned by merit or that through our works we 'keep' our salvation. When we come to Christ we have nothing to offer, we are dead in our trespasses, and it is Christ alone who gives us salvation and keeps us till the end. If we could lose our salvation, we would. We are sinners. 

Our works do not prove our salvation in the way that we must do good deeds to prove that we love Christ, its more to the fact that because we love Christ we desire to do good deeds. Our works are a byproduct of our faith. The result of loving our Savior.

In John MacArthur's commentary on James, he writes:

    We might say that it costs us nothing to become a Christian but everything to live fully as one. We will bear fruit and should bear much fruit. Nothing we possess could merit the least part of salvation; but once we are saved, everything we have belongs to the Lord. That, or course, is what lordship means, and it was Jesus' point in the parables of the hidden treasure and the pearl of great price. "The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field," He said, "which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls, and upon finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he has and bought it" (Matthew 13:44-46).

Do you have that saving faith in Christ? Where, having encountered the goodness of Salvation have sold all that you had and bought the field? Or do you flirt with a causal encounter with Jesus, saying you believe but living at if you don't? By your fruit you will be known.

Jesus says, I am the vine and you are the branches; he who abides in me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing...By this is My Father glorified, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be my disciples. (John 15:5,8)

Is your faith evident by your works? What or who do you represent on a day to day basis? Again, our deeds can never earn our salvation- but they can clearly demonstrate to all that Christ is our King.

Worship for today: Yet not I

Monday, August 17, 2020

James 2:14-17

James 2:14-17

Today's passage is challenging, convicting and can even in its simplicity be tricky. So bear with me. 

V14 James is asking not if the faith without works can save a man, but if a hollow empty proclamation of faith can save a soul. For over century now, even since I would dare think the Second Great Revival a movement came about where you could just proclaim your faith. That you could say a pray, or repeat a prayer or check a box on a note card and mail it in; and you would be saved. Or that there is a certain order of words that must be made to receive your salvation. This is so dangerous. It is not in the Bible and has given false hope to millions who make an emotional plea and then go about their lives the next day, staking Christianity on account of a false pretense. Do not hear me wrong, there are thousands upon thousands of sincere believers who have sat and prayed; but the prayer itself is not the means of salvation. Christ is. Romans 10:9-10 says if you confess with your mouth, and believe in your heart that God raised Christ from the dead you will be saved. We are saved not by our own merit. Salvation does not occur if you get a word order just right... that is terrifyingly confused with an incantation. Salvation is not a spell. Prayer is not a summoning of "special powers by saying a certain phrase," Salvation is freely given to all who repent, or confess and believe. It is a gift of God! Ephesians 2:8-9 teaches us this!

James, millennia prior, what already encountering empty professions. Those who would claim Christianity and then as we read through the passage, be dead in their faith. It would come out as dead in their works. There was no love of Christ in their hearts thus no live of Christ could abound. 

It is a good thing the example he chose, one who walks by a person in need, says I will pray for you, and does not a thing. They carry about their day. Oh how we can be guilty of this. How many times do people have physical, emotional or spiritual needs; and we say "I will pray for you," as a cop out so that we don't have to be bothered. AND THEN NOT EVEN PRAY. We should not use these words lightly. To pray for someone, you are saying I love the Lord and I love you; and I will bring your need to my Father and pray His will be done in your life. Do you realize there are persons you encounter, that you say you will pray for, that you might be the only person praying for them in that day over that need. That is a great responsibility! Do not take it lightly. Prayer is not something we do because we are Christian, prayer is something we do because we trust the Lord, love the Lord and know there is no greater thing we can do then go before the Father on their behalf. 

We can also meet them where they are at. What good is it, if you neighbor has a house fire, and you say I will pray for you, go in your home and shut the door. We are called to be the extension of Christ through our hands and feet. If you see a person in need, help. We learned in chapter one that it is a good thing to care for and love the widows and orphans. We can all do this. We should be known by our love for one another and our love for others. Every time you offer help and hope to a neighbor or stranger or need, you are able to put your faith into works.

James is not saying that works prove you are saved. Nothing outside of the blood of Jesus Christ saves you. But he is saying- in verse 17, faith without works is dead. Does your walk match your talk? Or are you a Christian in name only. 

Jesus teaches in Matthew 25:35-40 this very thing. 

Friend, may we love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and may that love radiate out as actions, kindness and service to those around us. 

Friday, August 14, 2020

James 2:8-13

 James 2:8-13

Good morning

As I read through the passage and read through the commentaries, the reminder came with this scripture. For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

We have all fallen short, none has kept the law perfectly and are all in desperate need of a Savior. Even our thoughts condemn us. "If you really fulfill the royal law according to Scripture, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself," you are doing well. But if you show partiality, you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors."

Whoever keeps the law but fails at one point of it has broken the whole law (paraphrased). What does this mean? Evangelist Ray Comfort does an excellent job explaining this. In this small YouTube clip you can see by our own admission all of us have broken 1 or more of the laws of God thus condemning us to the wrath of God. Ray Comfort

We all fail in this. James is reminding us that we all fall short of the glory of God, and are in desperate need of a Savior. 

It is such a simple reminder. We need Jesus, but Jesus is enough! He became sin who knew no sin. Jesus paid a debt we could never; and through His blood we are forgiven! It is that simple, yet that miraculous.

Today, may we fight against partiality. May we examine our hearts and our minds and our motives, may we flee to Jesus! 

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

James 2:1-7

James 2:1-7

This is such a fitting passage for where we are in our timeline of life events. James although writing almost 2,000 years ago could not still identify more with current issues and narratives. Lets take a closer look at the issues being discussed and the heart check we should take as inventory.

My brothers, show no partiality, this term partiality can also be rendered favoritism. Favoritism. Such a good and sobering word as we think through this passage. Partiality is by no means limited to skin color, but absolutely includes it, James here talks about socio-economics...favoritism to the wealthy ( as they would be seen as those who could give more) or the poor (dirty, filthy, less likely to contribute). James lived in a society where people were divided between Jews or Gentiles, slaves or free, men or women. And as a result people, whether aware of it or not had preferences and favoritism towards others.

We do the same. I love that James uses the example of someone walking into the church gathering. What a gut check. A family walks in, or a single mom walks in, or someone we would consider "shady," walks in, do we greet them? Do we push over? Do we pretend we didn't see them? Do we wonder why they are there?

James 2:4 have you not then made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?
All men are created as image bearers of God. We must see one another in this light if we are to love one another in this accord. That is why in 1 Peter we are told to honor everyone. We do not have to agree with nor understand people to honor them because they are a people just like us. 

A word of caution lest you run with zeal towards any current movement. Be weary of what does not hold up to biblical truths. There are A LOT of misinformed and mis-intended persons out there trying to take advantage of the chaos and turmoil around. Our only hope, our only peace, our only capability to be kind comes in and through and from Christ. May Christ abound more today. 

An excellent sermon on this topic: Faith in the Church. Make sure you click on the sermon with that title!

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

James 1:27b

 James 1:27b: and to keep oneself unstained from the world. 

KJV reading of this uses the word 'unspotted,' and Strong's Greek defines it as, unspotted or without vice.

As we wrap up the entirety of chapter 1 today we are reminded in this very simple yet profound verse; that we are to keep ourselves unstained from the world.

It is good to realize this is not a call to perfection. This although James is making the assertion that we should be not just hearers of the Word but doers, our doing or lack of doing does not merit our salvation. Just as this is not a call to legalism or not having friends or relationships or shopping with "the outside," so to speak. This is a good reminder that we are to be in the world but not of it. 

What does that mean? 1 John 1:15-17 says, "Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the loves of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world-the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and the pride of possessions-is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever."

When you look at your response to trials, does it look like your secular neighbor's? Are people shocked when they find out your a Christian? If you hear more than not, "WOW! I didn't realize you were a believer!" It is time to do a heart check. We should present differently because we are strangers of this world. Our residency and therefore our allegiance is with the Lord of Hosts. Our actions, our lifestyle, our choices should point to the fact that we serve a Risen Savior. If we have the same desires before coming to salvation and then after, something is wrong. 

James is encouraging us to examine this. Chapter 1 has been such an excellent reminder to me of so many areas that I still respond, maybe with the right Christian lingo but not with a heart after God's. When trials come, do I try to numb away the hours with mindless entertainment, or vices; or do I sink in deeper yet to the steadfast love of Jesus? Oh love that will not let me go, I rest my weary soul in thee!!! I wish I could sing that in full honesty, but there are days I cannot. I get anxious, fretful and full of fear. I become a hearer of the Word but as we read I can look in the mirror and walk away forgetting instantly what  I saw. I become tossed to and fro- and it is no wonder I get sea sick in worry. My response is not in direct relation to what I profess. 

To practice true religion is this: to do what we say! To care deeply for those around us, and to be known by our fruits. That we live in a way that radiates Christ that people are not left thinking we are nice; but knowing what it means to follow Jesus.

In our trials in our temptation, in our neighborhoods, in our home, in our marriage, to strangers around us do we demonstrate the love that will not let us go!?

Worship: O Love that wilt not let me go

Monday, August 10, 2020

James 1:27a

 Every time I sit to study and write I think to myself, surely we can get through a couple verses today. Then I sit and dig in. I take more than my prone to cursory glance, and realize the seriousness of the truths being spoken. James has been wrecking me- but in a good way. I have had to come face to face with some serious issues in my own heart. As, be as life would journey us, we have been walking through a series of trials- and I have gotten to see first I practice what I teach?

The answer to that, is yes and no. Last week I can say in full disclosure that when we walked through a trial of perseverance, and hope; I met it with anxiety and fret. I could feel temptations chasing me down- to try to just drive the hours away by checking out and keeping busy. I felt myself short with my kids and utterly exhausted from worry and the what if games. Yet, there my Savior met me. Speaking to me, through His written Word, with truths he laid out generously for my good. As I cried and repented I felt the amazing goodness of God's grace washing over my heart and soul. We serve a tender Shepherd who takes us through trials for our benefit. And I can honestly say, did I get any of the answers I was fretting about? Nope. Would I and will I possibly be in the same week this week, yup. But, oh but God, being rich in His mercy has shown me that I can wait in Him. Its a far better place than waiting in ourselves. 

Okay- Side note over, James 1:27a Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their afflictions...

In John MacArthur's commentary on James he writes, "proper reaction to the Word of God is the willingness to apply it to one's life without selfishness, with genuine concern for the welfare of others, especially those in great need. Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is to serve them with love and compassion. Jesus said, "by this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another" (John 13:35)."

In our currect age even care of widows and orphans has become political. We try to tap out saying its not our job there are programs...or try to make our whole service to God about serving widows and orphans- but only the most destitute. We will skip over our single moms living next door chasing after "more orphaned and widowed than that," for religious accolades. James is writing this because for the early church, these were the most needy around them. There were no programs, no after school clubs, no reduced lunches or soup kitchens. It was the churches job. And James is saying and will say again, don't just glance by these persons, care for them. 

People matter. And we are in a society where self matters more. Widows and orphans exist in every tribe, tongue and language. We can pray, we can help, we can make dinners or go school shopping. Ask, help, seek. We live in a season right now, back to school...what does this look like for the single mom who needs to work? Can you help? Our society is hurting. It is full of perversions, exploitation, we are trafficking and aborting our children and having zero regard for the lives of the elderly. We can step in. Send cards to elderly family members, or in your church. There are many who can't travel or are scared too. Who haven't left their homes since March, and a text just isn't suffice. We can start now, we can look next door, next town, next state and next country over to see where and how we can help. 

Rosaria Butterfield wrote an excellent book on this called "The Gospel Comes with a House Key." It is a sobering and challenging read. Yet, I think it comes out of the convicting of the Word and teachings like James 1:27a.

It can feel overwhelming, don't let it be. Practically speaking today: make a list of 3 single moms you know, 3 widows you know and pull out your church directory and find 3 persons living is assisted care. Pray for them, write to them, safely visit them. We can be the hands and feet of Christ starting right at our kitchen tables. <3

Thursday, August 6, 2020

James 1:26

If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless. James 1:26

James will go further yet into this study on the tongue in later chapters, but brings it up now. James will be a sharpening tool, a pruning sheer and a stumbling stone to many of us. We are being taught polar opposite of what our instincts might in fact be telling us to do. Trials being for our good? That we must not follow our heart but Christ's lead through all circumstances. That it is not acceptable to simply "do christianity," and now this- that we must look to see- does our tongue act as a weapon of treason against the faith we claim or does it spread the hope of the Gospel?

Covid has brought out the good, the bad and the absolutely hideous not just from America, but the church. It has become a dividing line, a division wall and a sounding board. And the unsaved world is watching. We have gone from being silently judgmental of others to throwing stones as hard as we can via social media or in stores or on blogs. My heart is grieved. There are thousands of people perishing every day, every single day; who will find out that there is a God whether they chose to accept that truth or not. Thousands of people who either never heard or rejected the gospel that will die. There are children being sold into trafficking every moment. The lockdown has caused the viewing of child pornography to climb to horrific, repulsive levels. People are scared to leave their homes. I was at the grocery store the other day and encountered two elderly women, who were visibly shaking, wrapped head to toe in covering and gloves and masks and a hat; and I heard both of them speaking to the cashier on just how scared they were to be out. My heart ached. BUT- where are we? Mocking people that wear masks on social media because we disagree? Mocking people scared because we think they are stupid? Consuming ourselves mindless entertainment to pass the hours because #covidsaysIcan? What has happened to us?

Today- might sound hard- and I don't mean it to but in the same regard I am broken. When is the last time that the thought that your talk not matching your walk has brought you to tears? When is the last time the gospel made you weep; or furthermore made you mobile?! Springing into action to tell others about the glorious good news of Jesus Christ?! The one who is sovereign over all things? The one who laid out the sun to govern the day and the stars and moon for the night? The One who calms the raging sea by the sounds of His Voice? When is the last time your confidence in salvation motivated you to lay down your life for a friend?

Sister. We will look back at this season one day, and maybe one day soon. Did you tongue cause your religion to be worthless to those who desperately need Christ? Or was your tongue used to administer the Balm of Gilead to the broken, sick, lost world around us? Do not be hearers only- but doers today <3 

Spread Christ. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

James 1:22-23

James 1:22-23 But be doers of the word, not just hearers only.

James has been an incredibly convicting book. We are yet on chapter 1 but I am finding constant areas of reproach and yet encouragement along this journey. Today, yet again is one of them. Oh to be doers and not just hearers of the Word.

This passage, was incredibly convicting. It brings to mind the very true reality of being able to come to God's Word, every morning or evening or whenever you make the time, read it and then walk away as if nothing was different. Its like sitting under a beautifully convicting Sunday morning sermon, then going home putting on the football game or grabbing your shopping coupons and resuming every day if it never happened. You fulfilled Sunday obligations, can under the authority of the Word and then went home and forgot all about it. Ugh. This happens too often. Or I will listen to a sermon on my walk or feel so impassioned by my reading in the morning and then by 10am I am cranky, short with my children, muttering things I shouldn't and consumed with things that in 100 years won't even matter.

Its easier than we think to look in the mirror and immediately forget what we look like. Its easy to be in the Word and see ourselves through the lenses of God's Law realize we are sinners and then go back to our everyday. May it not be so anymore!

Something that has been a challenge to me right now is walking through a few trials in light of what we are learning. I feel very convicted of my typical pattern in trials and now am face to face with biblical truths and exhortations on how to handle it- and it is still SO HARD! It is hard to walk worthy of the calling that we have been brought into. Its easier to fall into habitual patterns that to make the effort to die to self and give it to God. SO. HARD. But this passage reminds me again and again how much I can be a hearer only, and that is not what I want. The goodness of Christ reminds us to be not just hearers but doers of the Word.

Today- Take some time, see where you need to change on this. Ask God to reveal where you struggle to be a hearer only. And allow God to change your heart. May God soften our hearts and renew our minds to transform us into His likeness day by day!

Worship today: His Mercy is More

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

James 1:20-21

Verses 20-21 for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God. Therefore, put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.

This passage continues to overwhelm me with beauty and clarity and truth. If we respond to the word of God in anger, or pride, or self-justification we will not be able to produce the righteousness of God. We will have zero fruit if we are constantly debating the Lord on why we are less sinful or need less work or less change, or above the law; especially compared to the 'other guy.' If we respond as spoiled children who when don't get their way or are told no, or are corrected- by fits of rage,anger or outright rebellion we will miss the fruit of the Spirit. 

Therefore, a key study word as we have learned, put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness. What does this look like?  Ephesians 4:22 and 1 Peter 1:23 reminds us we are to be putting off our former selves. Those desires, or practices that were done when we were outside of Christ. When we come to Christ the old is gone and the new has come! Do not keep picking up you rags and trying to put them back on! Don't pick up the filthy cloak of obscene talk, impure thoughts and desires, gossip, slander, malice, anger and trying to wear it! Cast it aside! Throw it out and seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness! To seek Christ we must die to self.

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus says Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Kingdom of God.  James is reiterating that. What is the Kingdom of God? Eternal salvation. The meek, those who receive the Word will inherit the Kingdom. 

There will be a link at the bottom of the study to a fantastic sermon on the verse blessed are the meek. Especially as Westerners, meekness might not be something we understand or aspire too. Quite frankly in the demand for our constant rights and needs; we fail to demonstrate meekness on a daily basis. Perhaps we have it wrong? What does it look like to be meek?

In the study notes of my Bible there is a beautiful comment, " When the Word takes hold of a person it is as if it were engrafted, or rooted, into their very being." We get the Word grafted into our hearts. And out of this we produce fruit that pleases our Savior. Take a close look at your heart today. Are you bearing love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self-control? Or is their little evidence to your encounter with Christ and His Word? His implanted Word, which is able to save your soul, is the Gift of Salvation. In John 1:1 we learn In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

His implanted Word- is Himself. Therefore, do not respond in anger, or the putting on of filthy rags. May we radiated the Light of Christ to those around us, because we allow Him to be the Light within us. 

Monday, August 3, 2020

James 1:19

James 1:19 Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger

Have you ever read a passage, like a million times, then read the study notes on it- and realize you might have not understood the passage? Or taken it out of context? This was my experience with this verse. I always assumed that this was just a nugget of advice to be properly used for daily dialogue or current social media interactions. So much so I read 5 commentaries and then listened to a sermon on it- nope, its me- I was off. And that is the beauty of expositional learning. We we study verse by verse rather than one offs we are able to follow the thought, thread, theme and intent of the book.

James is writing to the believer, his beloved brothers. James is a pastor, writing to the flock that is trying to figure out how to go about being Christ followers. Keep in mind the book of James was possibly the earliest written. They did not have Romans or 1 Timothy or the Gospels to guide them. They had their teachers and the Old Testament. We live with the privilege, and I don't say that lightly because we can so take this for granted, the privilege of the Old an New Testament. We see the bigger picture- the prophecy fulfilled and now through even church history, the command to share the gospel being lived out.

Actually, have the Word written for us, in so many ways, in so many translations, in such ease of accessibility makes today's passage even more poinient. Let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger...this is talking about the Word of God! 

Be quick to hear scripture. Be slow with a rebuttal or a refute of Scripture. And be slow to anger regarding the truths we read. 

Seriously. My mind was a little topsy turvy this morning when I read this now in context. And it makes so much sense. Studying this in its passage we can now further the discussion that James is marking out key elements of a believer. How they handle trials and temptations in 1-18 and now how they respond to the Word in 19-27. 

2 Timothy teaches us, " All scripture is breathed out by God, and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." James is going to go on as we study this passage to instruct us to be doers of the word not just hearers. Not in a works based salvation but as a response to the living breathing Word of God! 

It is so easy to forget that God's written Word is God's spoken Word. We go to it apathetically. Half-hearted, distracted. we can glaze over it nonchalantly and take it like a fortune cookie. This should not be so! The Word of God is living and active! Sharper than any two-edged sword! I am reminded of the Psalmist heart in Psalm 119.  Verses 1-8 and then 9-16 are beautiful words that should be read over and over today. Oh that we may we declare with our lips the laws of the Lord!  May we meditate on His precepts and fix our eyes on His ways! May we not forget His Word!

Today: What ways to we not respond appropriately to God's Word? Do we take it for granted? Do we read it with a " yea, but in today's world..." Do we go to it with an opinion ready not seeking to be taught truth but trying to confirm an emotion or opinion? Are we angered when God's Word does not match up with what we want?  Do we long for His Word meditating on it day and night?

May this day find us seeking Him through His Word with our whole hearts.