Friday, March 6, 2020

Original Sin Gen 3

We resume where Eve is standing before the serpent. "Did God really say, you shall not eat of any tree in the garden?" The assault and temptation is laid out. He starts with an undermining question. Read it slowly, did God say you can't eat from any tree....he does not start his question with why can you not eat the tree of life... he starts with deception. And this deception quickly conceives evil in her own heart.

The woman answers back, she did not even have to do that, but she is now drawn in, she answers God said we can eat from any tree except from the tree in the midst, nor touch it, lest we surely die.

We read this exchange a thousand times. We glance through it as a cursory children's fable. We miss the horrific cosmic treason being played out in front of our very eyes. The serpent went to Eve, and misinterpreted the spoken command of God. And Eve, was quickly brought in. She corrects the serpent and then adds to the command her own words. He said we cannot eat, NOR can we touch it. Eve undermines the Word of God; she undermines the love of God's command when she minimizes the boundary given, and then she adds to it. She manipulates God's words to make them seem unfair, over the top, and borderline ridiculous.

God had given Adam and Eve every good thing in the garden to eat; and rather than focus their joy and love with every good thing- Eve is quickly seduced by the serpent into the "why shouldn't I be allowed EVERYTHING." And the serpent strikes. He recognizes her weakness the moment it flashes and she says, "Surely you shall not die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." You will be like God. The sin of pride sucked her right in. She was no longer content walking with God, fellowshipping with God, enjoying the good gifts and pleasures of the garden from God- she now desires to be eye to eye with the Creator.

Is it not terrifying. The serpent, who we discussed is Satan; had this same issue. He himself is a fallen angel. Cast out of heaven because of this very thing. He was not content serving God- he wanted to be like God, in fact he wanted to be better than God. And he convinced 1/3 of the angels around him likewise. Being expelled, we quickly find him here. In the midst of everything that God just created as good. And his eyes become set on man, being made in the image of God- he attacks. And whispers the same lies that motivated his evilness. Don't serve God, be your own God. Take your future into your hands. Eat the fruit.

In a sermon that will be linked to hear today, the Pastor spoke something that haunted me, "The irony here, that they can be like God, was that they already were- as image bearers of the One true God."  Adam and Eve were made in His likeness; as we are all today. Yet here we are- still trying to be captains of our own ship! It takes one second on social media to see that self glorification is our favorite form of self worship. Its all about us. We need to be happy, be best not be offended, and don't ever ask me to go an extra mile for someone who doesn't deserve- MY time. We are gluttons of self intoxicating entertainment, social media, activities and leisure. "You only live once, You do you, I think,therefore I am..." Nothing changes. We are our favorite gods. And it is not just 'out there,' but it is in the church. God designed the gathering for His worship- but that is no longer good enough. We want to be entertained, we need to rebel against the serious, social killing, tight strings, forefathers who didn't know Jesus was all about having a good time. Jesus is for me!

Nothing has changed. The whisper of Satan, trickles through the heart of man.

Eve sees the lust of the flesh- the fruit she now wants, the pride of the heart, she wants this now, and then the eyes. Determining what is right for herself, rather than being governed by the Word of God offered to her, she takes and eats.

She then goes and shares it with her husband who is with her. V7 Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked. Their eyes were opened not to how they are now like God, but their own depravity. In the chase to be godlike, they with disobedience, cause a cosmic rift between them and their Creator. The One who made them, who put them in the garden, who gave them every good things to eat, who walked with SIN separates them. And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loincloths. Shame. They were ashamed to look at each other, and they were scared of being seen by God.

My heart literally pulses and then aches each time I have read through this. The deeper I dig the more my heart bleeds out for the situation in the garden, the continuation of it in man, and my own sins today.

However, "The imputation of Adam's sin to all his natural offspring is a presupposition of the Gospel. Human beings are lost from conception and birth, even before they begin their personal careers of sin. The Son of God became the Son of Man to atone for sin by dying int he place of sinners. To deny the fall of man into sin is to rob the death of Christ of its redemptive meaning and saving power."(RHB pg.12)

Sin, did not stay isolated to Adam, it brought death and decay and spread through all generations. But as we will see next week, as we finish chapter three and then jump into the Gospels, God in His mercy already had a redemptive plan. And the Last Adam, would stand in an upper room, the night of His last supper, and whisper ever lasting life into the words which set into place our death. Eve went to Adam, extended her hand with something to eat; and then Jesus would hold out his hands to his disciples, and to us today, " Take and eat,This is my body, broken for you... do this is remembrance..." Not remembrance of what Adam had done, but of the atoning work that Christ did.

Therefore, as one trespass led to condemnation for all men, so one act of righteousness leads to the justification and life for all men. Romans 5:18

Also, this week on Grace to You broadcast, John MacArthur's sermon series, "Genesis in the Gospel," is being aired. I HIGHLY recommend it for further study. This link puts you to todays- start at the beginning of the study a few broadcasts back!

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