Jesus not only creates life, not only sustains life, but He himself is life. Jesus says I am the way, the truth and the life. He creates, upholds, and keeps. This is overwhelmingly good news, especially in light of what we have learned about the separation of our sin to our Savior. Christ came, piercing the darkness offering us the light of salvation. This is remarkable to me every time I think on it.
The hymn I am attaching has a beautiful line, "By His Son God now has spoken, Tis the True and Faithful Word." God gives life to men through His Son Jesus Christ. "When John called Jesus 'the Word,' he implied that Christ not only brings us a message from God but is Himself the message!"(RHB,pg 1512). Jesus is the Redeemer, He is the Way, and He alone provides the way.
We live in a word with no absolute truth. People have turned it into an abstract sliding scale where truth is relative and as long as your on the scale to what degree you are on it does not matter. One close or even not that close look will prove it, from entertainment, to gender to abortion, things that should be a solid yes or a solid no have varying degrees of acceptance. This is a lie from the pit of hell, and it is seeping into the church. We have false teachers who offer varying shades of repentance and the Christian life dictated by how much you work or give or do. This is not the way to the Lord. Narrow is the path that leads to life, and wide is the gate that leads to hell. There is but one way, and that is through Jesus Christ, there is but one light that darkness cannot overcome and it is the radiance of the Glory of God as shone through the exact imprint of His Nature on His Son Jesus Christ, the Lord.
As we journey to the cross, we can actually get distracted by the cross at times. We become hyper-focused on the physical cross, the physical pain Jesus would endure, and in our humanness we stop and dwell there. We feel sorrow because of the pain Jesus felt. But I encourage you to push your understanding deeper yet, when Jesus asks if this cup could pass, it is not the physical pain he alone is speaking into, it is the wrath of God about to be poured out on Him. He would become sin, and only Christ has the capability as the God-man of fully understanding the wrath God has for sin. He became sin, who knew no sin, so that we might become His righteousness.
Jesus, the light of the World, came that we might become His light radiating out into the darkness. Matthew 5 discusses how when given a light we do not hide it under a bushel but lift it up, so that all may see. Sister, if you are a professing believer; this is the time, amid panic of sickness and death, in a generation lost and destitute to raise your light so that men may see your love of Jesus Christ and glorify God, who is both the giver and the provider of the Light.
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