Read: John 1:1-14
Good morning! As we jump back into our study I pray you had a good weekend. We are facing an unprecedented time in our history, one we have never seen in our lifetime; and I hope that by focusing in on time in God's word and truth you can re-calibrate yourselves for what this week may hold.
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among them. Have you ever read greater words! Have you ever heard a more exciting truth?! This was the beginning of the promise from the garden. The Seed had arrived. He would soon crush Satan. Proverbs 15:30 says, the light of the eyes rejoices the heart, and good news refreshes its bones. Can you think of none better this morning! Jesus Christ came, so that He might give us life everlasting. My study bible says grace and truth can also be translated undeserved favor and faithfulness. Ain't that the truth! We did nothing to earn it! Christ came, while we were yet sinners, and died for us! This is why in John 17 in the high priestly prayer we hear Christ praying for those with him then, and those yet to come. Us. Christ had all of His children on His mind as the Roman soldiers lifted Him up on the Cross. His blood was shed for you, and for me.
The Word became flesh, and dwelt among them. Jesus walked and talked among His people. This happened at the beginning, in the garden when all was right and good; and now post fall; it is happening again that all may be set back in order to what is right and good. This is incredible. The Bible is true. The countless promises and prophecies of the OT were fulfilled.
Did you know for Jesus to fulfill just 8 of the OT prophecies as 1 single person the mathematical possibility is 10 to the 17th power. To put that in understandable terms...imagine the state of Texas covered 2 feet deep with half-dollars. On one of those coins an x is placed on the backside. A blind man is then placed in the state at random and the first coin he picks up would have to have the x on it. (From How to Study the Bible, John MacArthur)
The Prophecies of the God-man coming came about. Jesus is who He says He is. Do we believe it? Do we really believe it? If we do, we are obedient to God's Word. Dr. James Montgomery Boice writes, "Jerusalem was destroyed because the people were wanting only to be entertained by God's Words, not to obey the instructions. Isaiah said the same thing in words Jesus later referred to when he was teaching his disciples: "The Lord says: 'These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me'" Is 29:13. Jesus also used this text to reprove teachers of the law who made a profession of adhering to God's words when actually they were obeying only man-made regulations. He called them hypocrites and blind guides (Matthew 15:1-14. Mark 7:1-16)
If Jesus is who he says he is, then everything changes. If we read the words, and the Word became flesh and profess it, but change not...are we merely hypocrites? I think of Romans 2:19-24 you then who teach others, do you not teach yourselves? We are in unprecedented times. Many of you reading will be home with your children and spouses. Stop telling the world that you are "stuck" with them. Consider it a joy, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing. When we post, may we remember that we represent not the ordinary but the peculiar when we write. Even our social distancing should be done with honor that God may be glorified.
We have been given time. May we feast at the Lord's table. May we use our time wisely. May we guard ourselves against temptation. May we lavishly love on our families and neighbors that they might be able to see the Good News of Jesus Christ. May we live in such a way, that this year on Resurrection Sunday we may have hearts that cry out, OUR GOD REIGNS, JESUS IS ALIVE; and may our behaviors have been a reflection of that truth.
I cannot think of a better time to be home. We talked at Advent about becoming the voice in the wilderness, that we be given the opportunity to tell others that the King has come and will come again- We literally we all just given the time to do it. Will our time at home be a testimony to Christ, or will it peg us as a hypocrite. It is not a promise of ease, but with our eyes fixed on the Cross, we can do anything through Christ who gives us strength.
May your day be filled with the overflowing truth that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. His truths are enough, Jesus is enough!<3
Worship for today:
Come Behold the Wonderous Mystery
Oh the deep deep love
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