Read John 4:1-42
Good morning. It is Monday and we are living in times that we have not seen. I live in a state that everything is closed right now; with the exception of essential businesses. Its freezing, rainy and gloomy. I think maybe how the world feels at the moment; frozen, gloomy and wishing for rays of light.
I was so touched this morning through reading God's Word. It is ever living and active. It was written then and purposed for now; and for my children's children. I thought this morning how we are studying leading up to Easter Sunday- and how that never changes. It is the rising of the Son that we get to look towards and celebrate year after year and truly Sunday after Sunday. Through the earthquakes and famines, wars and plagues since and those that will come- one thing remains constant... and that is the love of Christ. Our pastor preached on Psalm 46 yesterday. A beautiful reminder that A mighty Fortress is our God. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way (PS 46:1-2a) In situations of distress and uncertainty it helps to keep our eyes fixed on the everlasting, unchanging, mighty God, the Lord of Hosts.
Where we left of in John last week was at the well in Samaria. The woman had just put down her water jar and ran to tell the others that she believes the Messiah was in their town. The promised one, sitting at a well in Samaria. The disciples at this point had come back with food and encourage Jesus to eat. He responds with the statement I have food that you do not know about. Confused the disciples question one another to which point Jesus said to them, " My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work." The will of the Father was enough to feed the Son. To accomplish the task of what he was sent to do, satisfied him. Do we find ourselves satisfied in the will of the Father? Is Jesus enough? I know I ask that question a lot but it is because I have to ask myself that question a lot. If everything else was stripped away; would Jesus be enough? It helps level my true love and belief in the one I call Abba.
Jesus teaches the disciples, look you say it will be 4 months till harvest, I tell you to look up and see the fields are white for harvest! These people who they found not fit- Jesus sees as heirs of the kingdom of God; their hearts are ready for the Savior and we will see that confirmed in verses 40-42. One sows and another reaps. For 100's of years the word of God has been available in our language, preached from our pulpits to an American country that at times seems fallow and at times seems as clay. It is not our job to cause growth, that is the Holy Spirits- be we are to labor in love. Are you scattering seed? Are you sharing the gospel when the opportunity presents itself?
39 Many Samaritans believed in him because of the woman's testimony, "He told me all I ever did." ...they came and asked him to stay two more days. And many more believed because of His word. They said to the woman it is not longer because of what you said that we believe, for we heard for ourselves, and we know indeed this is the Savior of the World.
This is my favorite part of this whole passage and bears a closer look. We have been in a time where people confuse personal testimony with evangelism. They are not the same. Testimonies are a wonderful thing, to share, celebrate and encourage one another in what the Lord has done for us. But saving faith comes through hearing the Word of God and believing Christ as the Savior of the World. Jesus Word, our living breathing hope comes from the word of God taught. The Gospel message has nothing to do with us and everything to do with Jesus. I like this passage because it reminds me how people will spend so much time telling "their story," yet fail to know how to study and deliver the main point of the story which should be the Gospel. It can become a what Jesus did for me and what he can do for you story- rather than a cup of the living water that will make one never thirst again. Our testimonies bear witness of the goodness of God but faith comes through hearing the Word of God.
Romans 10:9-17 has quickly become a favorite passage of mine. Read through it and then finish this out with me today. Sweet sister may it be said of you- how beautiful are the feet of you who bring good news! HE is our Peace!
Worship for today:
A mighty fortress
Yet not I
Lord from sorrows deep I call
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