Friday, March 27, 2020

I Am.

Read John 8

We are focusing today on Christ eternal. I have found the exchanges in John 8 rather intriguing and shocking the more and slower I go through them. From the adulteress not condemned; to the religious experts not recognizing the Messiah standing in front of them; to the truth of Christ proclaiming constantly He came to glorify the Father- His testimony is from the Father and He seeks to glorify Him in all that He does.

I have said it before but I will say it again- we could spend the rest of our study in the one chapter- but I would like to finish it out for the weekend.

Jesus identifies Satan as the father of lies- he says he was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in truth, because there is no truth in him. (v44) Satan came to kill- we saw that in the garden. Adam and Eve were told not to eat lest they would die- and Satan set out to ensure it would happen. The father of lies had death of God's creation in mind when he struck up conversation with Eve.

Yet here stands Christ, the one who came to conquer death telling those in the temple- the one you have waited for is here! And they knew him not. They accuse him of having a demon! The demons recognize Christ and call him by name- the religious recognize him not- and call him a demon!  Jesus says" I do not have a demon, but I honor my Father, and your dishonor me. Yet I o not seek my own glory; there is one who seeks it, and He is the judge. Truly, Truly I say to you, if anyone keeps my word, he will never see death." The Jews freak out at this point. Saying this is proof he is demonic! Jesus is saying- if you take of me- my Father's Word-  you will have eternal life; yet they respond opposite the Samaritan woman, in fact rather than putting down their books to run and tell others they have encountered the Messiah- they pick up stones to KILL him. 

"Are you greater than our father Abraham? He died, all the prophets died. Who do you say that you are.... listen carefully, "Your father Abraham would have rejoiced that he would see my day. He saw it and was glad." You are not 50 years old! How can you have seen Abraham and Jesus says," Before  Abraham was, I am."

Boom. There is no retort for this statement. He declares He is the eternal. This is amazing. And yet the Jews respond in rage. The pick up stones to kill him.

This passage is so profound and moving. And I think we see it played out time and time again. People fall into religion. They follow persons who follow Jesus rather than Jesus. To the point that when they come face to face with Christ they do not recognize Him. Paul sees this in the early church; in 1 Corinthians 3:4 He says for when one says I follow Paul, and another I follow Apollos...are we not just mere human beings( paraphrased). But he sees this right from the start- people lose sight of Christ and follow an easier example. It is far easier to follow a sinner following Christ- that to allow Christ to be our standard.

I ask- where are you today? Do you know who you are following? Do you follow a teacher rather than the Teacher? Are you more inline with someones theology than Christ's theology?  Do you know song lyrics better than scripture- and hold them more true than what the written word says? If Christ were to stand before you- would you recognize him- or have you allowed yourself to make a more self satisfying version of the Savior, to the point that Jesus would be enraging to your core? Would you respond like a Pharisee saying who do you think you are? Or would you be a Samaritan who after hearing His testimony believed and run to tell others?

Jesus says, I am. God told Moses- I AM. They are one in the same. Get in the Word. Do not allow Christians to set the standard for your life and beliefs- we are all alike- sinners saved by grace; trying our best to serve our Savior. Serve Jesus. Look to Jesus. Jesus is enough <3

Worship for the weekend:
Hallowed be your name
God only Wise
Christ our Hope in life and death
His mercy is more

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