Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Not good. Genesis 2

Picking up where we left off yesterday in verses 16 and 17. We see a positive and then negative command given by God. You can eat anything, except. And then if you eat it you will surely die. As we dig in tomorrow and the rest of the week we will see how the death would come and it would be swift and immediate. Adam and Eve may not die physically on the spot; that would come later, but they experience spiritual death immediately. But- let me not jump ahead.

Adam is given a command. God then places him in the God to work it. God sees something and for the first time we read, it is not good. "It is not good for man to be alone." Many scholars and commentators discuss how this is the climax of chapter 2. God creates Eve. He looks at Adam and sees that he should not be alone. God designs a perfect helpmate, as Pastor Joel Sedam says in a sermon, "equal in worth, complimentary in function." Does that not sound how this later becomes the model for the church. All bodies equal in worth and complimentary in function? Why we can't all be head, why we can't all be feet...how everything works together for the glory of God when we love one another and serve in and delight in these roles. My Pastor shared Sunday of this moment, where God looks at Adam, says to be alone is not good, we are designed to be in fellowship. First with God, second with one another. Specifically here talking about male and female... Equal in worth, complimentary in function. Fellowship and intimacy with God is a privilege and a joy in the garden. God walks with them. This fellowship will be severed in the next chapter- but even in that; hope remains as God will one day send His Son, the perfect Sacrifice, to restore yet again this sacred relationship between man and God.

I have been deeply and profoundly moved as I study all of these passages. Realizing the intricacies of creation; the scope, beauty and magnitude of it; and the details that have been woven together since eternity past leading up to where I sit today. It is all for Him. When our vision can be soley cast on Christ- we are able to delight in the good things He has done. Today, I pray you can meditate on His truths, revile in His Glory and see how good He created everything to be. Tomorrow, this changes as we go towards the fall.

This has been on my heart all morning- enjoy fellowship today with the One who gives you the breath to breath out thanks <3

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