I originally thought I would wrap up John 1 today, but I can't. A verse struck my heart today and I would like to linger here a moment. John 1:10. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.
We have spent much time already devoted to God as Creator, and now Christ as by whom all things were created. I have this glorious picture in my head of the cosmos being formed and swirling about and the planets lining up, and the earth....down to the grass and dirt and the mysteries the earth holds beneath our feet. The DNA of creatures twirling and forming... all by the Hands of One. And then He, who fashioned all things, stepped down off His throne, and His creation knew him not. The term known here is associated commonly with love or intimacy. So he came into the world, and the world loved him not. This is crushing. But we do it all the time even yet today.
We can say we know God, but this is so different than being known by God. We can say we love Jesus with our words; but does our life reflect such truths? What do we use our free time for? Does a quick 5 minute devotional suffice our satisfaction for and to the One who gave us that 5 minutes? Do we feel liberated to live and do the rest of our day without second thought of the Savior? Do we hold people who live zealously after God as overkill, ridiculous, or "called?"
Even the demons believe, and shutter. I know we have talked about this before, but in the New Testament time and time again we see the demons calling Christ by Name, when Jesus encounters the man with the legion of demons, they don't say who do you think you are, they call Him "Jesus, Son of the Most High God." There are 'religious,' people today who won't even use that title. Or will use it; but do not believe it. I was reading a book yesterday and the author talked about Satan's doctrine...and it made me wonder- is it better than mine? Do I have an understanding of God, that does not make me fear in the way they shudder, but fear in the sense of awe and reverence?
Tomorrow, we will talk about verses 14-18. I think today, it is good to pause and ask ourselves, Do I believe Jesus is who he says He is? Does my life reflect that Christ is King and Lord of All? He who holds the universe together by the Word of His power, the very essence and nature of God, came in the flesh, to die for our sins. This, is remarkable. This is good news. This is more than enough.
In the midst of a world, in panic and fear, driven by not sickness as one would have you to believe, but the matter that drives the fear- death. I challenge you, myself, and all believers to use this time as a divine Gospel opportunity. All of it is falling in the season of Resurrection Preparation. Pray for your neighbors, check on them; pray for the elderly, use this time home wisely, make phone calls, pray for those who don't know Jesus. Let our actions be driven out of love and not fear, because perfect love casts out all fear. Let us not look back at this season not as time wasted but opportunity well spent- whether it be in beautiful solitude before the King, or the hands and feet to those who are scared and hurting. It is wise to be prepared, but rather than starting on temporal preparations, let us use this to make confident our hope which is in Jesus Christ, the Lord.
He was in the world, and the world knew Him not; may the world know Him through your example today.
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