This verse says a lot. I have found it hard to study as I find it so convicting. We are reading through James who is telling us to consider it a joy when we have trials, to ask God for wisdom within the trials, knowing that He will give generously to those who ask of Him; and now, to ask in faith not doubt.
The study Bible I use noted this morning in my reading of the Old Testament that trust is a key old testament word for faith. "With the idea of finding security, safety, or confidence." It was in a passage discussing trusting in the Lord. With that understanding look at verse 6, but let him ask in faith... let him trust...let him find security, without doubting. AHK. So convicting to me. I have become painfully aware lately that I pray absent of faith, which is painful to even admit out loud. I again am startled each time God moves. This is heart breaking for me to realize, for oh how bad I desire to not just say I trust God but to walk daily in that trust.
How many times do we go to the Lord and put our prayer and situation in His hand, but fail to leave it there- we run back and take it out. Or run back to take a peak, or start questions Him as to why He is or isn't doing what we had expected.
Psalm 37 says, commit your way to the Lord, wait patiently on Him, and He will act. Psalm 111 reminds us that "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have good understanding."
When we can take our trials, our needs, our day to the Lord we are able to walk in steadfast hope and confidence. Not because we did the right thing- but because we are turning it over to a God who is able. We take our eyes off of ourselves and fix our eyes on our Savior. When we keep our heart and hope and eyes set on eternity and the hope and holiness of God- it gives us peace and faith...and joy.
In Jeremiah 18 the people say that they will turn to their own devices..".they are so engrossed in themselves that they have no time for God or his messengers (Reformation Heritage Study Bible)."
Let that not be said of us, that when trials get tough we forsake our Lord and turn to a god we make ourselves- one intent to give us health, wealth and happiness. One that we only keep as a good luck charm and a magic 8 ball to shake our bible, flip it open to any page and smack our finger down, claiming that as our answer. Let false religion not turn us into waves going up on religious highs and crashing low when we feel we aren't getting our best life now.
Matthew Henry says this regarding verse 6 " That oneness, and sincerity of intention, and a steadiness of mind, constitute another duty required under affliction: He that wavereth is like a wave of the sea, driven with the wind, and tossed. To be sometimes lifted up by faith, and then thrown down again by distrust- to mount sometimes towards the heavens, with an intention to secure glory, and honour, and immortality, and then to sink again in seeking the ease of the body or the enjoyments of this world - this is very fitly and elegantly compared to a wave of the sea, that rises and falls, swells and sinks, just as the wind tosses it higher or lower, that way or this. A mind that has but one single and prevailing regard to its spiritual and eternal interest, and that keeps steady in its purposes for God, will grow wise by afflictions, will continue fervent in its devotions, and will be superior to all trials and oppositions. "
May today we find Christ as our sure and steady anchor.
Worship: Christ the sure and steady anchor
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