Let him ask God... this struck me as it did the first portion of the study. We should not just assume we are given wisdom within the gift of salvation. It is something that we are to ask for! And- how infrequently do I ask?! I truly struggle to pause and petition God. Which makes me realize moments of peace and joy I miss out on because I don't ask for wisdom from the Giver of good.
God gives to all generously- and without approach. This is truly a need to pause moment. Do we believe that? Do we truly believe if we ask God He will answer back generously and without reproach. This can expose some serious theological and doctrinal misconceptions or just feelings we place on God that are not true- because maybe we are creating a version of God that is not biblical. Today it is often preached that God is waiting to bless you...usually that blessing is being assumed to be health, a new job, wealth, prosperity.... but what if the blessing is wisdom under pressure? Eyes to see Christ in all circumstances? Deep down- are we satisfied with that as the answer to our prayers? What if the trial is not removed? Or in fact gets worse. Are we able to reach out to Him who is able; and trust him through it?
Jeremiah 17:7 Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord; whose trust is the Lord. Woah. Read that slowly. Who trusts in the Lord and whose trust is the Lord. That is profound. Because we can in one breath say we trust in the Lord but in another breath put our trust in the ______. Outcome, circumstance,fixing of... I find myself doing this- I say I trust in the Lord but then I try to help, or move along or freak out when it seems not going the way I foresaw it.
Jeremiah goes on. Verse 8 He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when the heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious for the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.
What a powerful reminder. To him who trusts in the Lord, whose hope is in the Lord- he has peace- and faith in times of trial (drought). Verse 9 reminds us that the heart is deceitful above all things... In times of trials it is so unwise to go with our emotions. Or to follow our heart! Scripture is teaching us to follow the Lord. What are areas you struggle with this truth?
My favorite verse to cling to in times of trials is Psalm 33:20-22. Let your steadfast love oh Lord be upon us...even as we hope in you. It helps me to realign when I realize I am trusting in circumstantial outcomes for my satisfaction or peace rather than Christ Himself.
The beauty of James 1:5 reminds us that the Lord gives generously. Without reproach. He is not waiting to condemn us because we need wisdom. He knows we need it. He is not waiting to lecture us about how long it took to turn to him, he is waiting to give generously to those who ask. Today what trials are you needing to turn to God for wisdom and strength?
Worship today: God the Uncreated One
This is a powerful reminder of the importance of wisdom and the one of many gifts that we should always ask for and earnestly seek for. It grows when it comes into us and teaches us so much. Thank you for sharing this.