James says to ask in faith, not wavering. The KJV says for verse 8 "a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways." It is easy to glaze over this and assume they are not talking about, well us. But James is talking to the Christian in this passage. Not those who are unsure if they believe in God- but those who claim Christ yet seem to waver between trusting in the Lord and holding onto the mandates of man. The Reformation Heritage Study Bible says this, " Literally, double-heartedness, the opposite of wholeheartedness or single-mindedness. It is the disposition that pulled a person in two directions instead of turning decisively from this world and its gods towards the Lord."
Woah. This caused me to take a big pause. How many times do trials come my way and do I seek the council of others- first. Seeking council is not wrong- in fact it is wise to go to sister in Christ or an elder or a mentor when you have trials of various kinds. This is talking about choosing to not go to Christ FIRST. And if the council you seek conflicts with the truth of Scripture- to take the opinion of man over the Word of God. We allow ourselves to become double-minded. Social media is such an easy demonstration of this. We watch how other 'believers,' live their lives and then your their choices as our morality gauge- instead of the teaching and preaching from the Word. So we allow ourselves to be conformed even the the "christian world," instead of Christ! We can make religion an idol and cling falsely to idolatrous ways. And is this not the point of James? Distinguishing between true and false religion?
We have a saying in our home when we feel off track. When our behaviors, or the kids obedience, or kindness/ or lack there of, or our screen time...or whatever feels off track. We say we need to right the ship. The beauty of the Lord is He doesn't make us go adrift till we crash, we can right the ship immediately. We can reset our gaze towards Christ, repent for the areas we have stumbled and struggled and redirect our vessel towards the One who commands the waves.
This weekend- may we examine the trials in our life, may we see the areas where we have put up created gods for comfort or surety in times of trial; and may we align our hearts to the Lord. May we identify areas we are not single-minded and ask Christ to be our center and the Anchor of our souls.
Worship: His Mercy is More.
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